日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20897 次
internal static class ExceptionTree { public static void Go() { // Explicitly load the assemblies that we want to reflect over LoadAssemblies(); // Recursively build the class hierarchy as a hyphen-separated string Func<Type, String> ClassNameAndBase = null; ClassNameAndBase = t => "-" + t.FullName + ((t.BaseType != typeof(Object)) ? ClassNameAndBase(t.BaseType) : String.Empty); // Define our query to find all the public Exception-derived types in this AppDomain's assemblies var exceptionTree = (from a in new[] { typeof(Exception).Assembly } // AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() from t in a.GetExportedTypes() where t.IsClass && t.IsPublic && typeof(Exception).IsAssignableFrom(t) let typeHierarchyTemp = ClassNameAndBase(t).Split('-').Reverse().ToArray() let typeHierarchy = String.Join("-", typeHierarchyTemp, 0, typeHierarchyTemp.Length - 1) orderby typeHierarchy select typeHierarchy).ToArray(); // Display the Exception tree Console.WriteLine("{0} Exception types found.", exceptionTree.Length); foreach (String s in exceptionTree) { // For this Exception type, split its base types apart String[] x = s.Split('-'); // Indent based on # of base types and show the most-derived type Console.WriteLine(new String(' ', 3 * (x.Length - 1)) + x[x.Length - 1]); } } private static void LoadAssemblies() { String[] assemblies = { "System, PublicKeyToken={0}", "System.Core, PublicKeyToken={0}", "System.Data, PublicKeyToken={0}", "System.Design, PublicKeyToken={1}", "System.DirectoryServices, PublicKeyToken={1}", "System.Drawing, PublicKeyToken={1}", "System.Drawing.Design, PublicKeyToken={1}", "System.Management, PublicKeyToken={1}", "System.Messaging, PublicKeyToken={1}", "System.Runtime.Remoting, PublicKeyToken={0}", "System.Security, PublicKeyToken={1}", "System.ServiceProcess, PublicKeyToken={1}", "System.Web, PublicKeyToken={1}", "System.Web.RegularExpressions, PublicKeyToken={1}", "System.Web.Services, PublicKeyToken={1}", "System.Windows.Forms, PublicKeyToken={0}", "System.Xml, PublicKeyToken={0}", }; String EcmaPublicKeyToken = "b77a5c561934e089"; String MSPublicKeyToken = "b03f5f7f11d50a3a"; // Get the version of the assembly containing System.Object // We'll assume the same version for all the other assemblies Version version = typeof(System.Object).Assembly.GetName().Version; // Explicitly load the assemblies that we want to reflect over foreach (String a in assemblies) { String AssemblyIdentity = String.Format(a, EcmaPublicKeyToken, MSPublicKeyToken) + ", Culture=neutral, Version=" + version; Assemb