------解决方案-------------------- 有难度,关注
------解决方案-------------------- 笔直的一道弯
------解决方案-------------------- A sample processing is like follows:
C# code
1. color predicate (mark those color near to (0,0,255))
2. opening (also called Dilation)
3. closing (also called Erosion)
4. select the biggest segment(s)
5. mark the selected segments(s) as transparent
------解决方案-------------------- 这东西还没搞过呢!!! 关注!!
------解决方案-------------------- I never expect to use C# for image prossing and I have no idea about free source code. But in C++ there are lots of open source codes in image processing.
opening and closing are easy, and easy to implement (I can describe once I have a Chinese IME). The segmentation is a little bit difficult (but there is a two-pass algorithm).