日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:21062 次

C# code

                byte b = 3;
                double d = 10.0;
                int i = 5;

                byte* pb = &b;
                double* pd = &d;
                int* pi = &i;

                Console.WriteLine("Address of b is 0x{0:X},size is {1},value is {2}", (uint)pb, sizeof(byte), b);
                Console.WriteLine("Address of d is 0x{0:X},size is {1},value is {2}", (uint)pd, sizeof(double), d);
                Console.WriteLine("Address of i is 0x{0:X},size is {1},value is {2}", (uint)pi, sizeof(int), i);

                Console.WriteLine("Address of pb is 0x{0:X},size is {1},value is 0x{2:X}", (uint)&pb, sizeof(byte*), (uint)pb);
                Console.WriteLine("Address of pd is 0x{0:X},size is {1},value is 0x{2:X}", (uint)&pd, sizeof(double*), (uint)pd);
                Console.WriteLine("Address of pi is 0x{0:X},size is {1},value is 0x{2:X}", (uint)&pi, sizeof(int*), (uint)pi);

Address of b is 0x12F46C,size is 1,value is 3
Address of d is 0x12F464,size is 8,value is 10
Address of i is 0x12F460,size is 4,value is 5
Address of pb is 0x12F45C,size is 4,value is 0x12F46C
Address of pd is 0x12F458,size is 4,value is 0x12F464
Address of pi is 0x12F454,size is 4,value is 0x12F460

C# code

                byte b = 3;
                double d = 10.0;
                int i = 5;

                byte* pb = &b;
                double* pd = &d;
                int* pi = &i;

                Console.WriteLine("Address of b is 0x{0:X},size is {1},value is {2}", (uint)pb, sizeof(byte), b);
                Console.WriteLine("Address of d is 0x{0:X},size is {1},value is {2}", (uint)pd, sizeof(double), d);
                Console.WriteLine("Address of i is 0x{0:X},size is {1},value is {2}", (uint)pi, sizeof(int), i);

Address of b is 0x12F45C,size is 1,value is 3
Address of d is 0x12F460,size is 8,value is 10
Address of i is 0x12F468,size is 4,value is 5

我觉得吧,那个Address of b is 0x12F45C的0x12F45C是起始地址
Address of b is 0x12F46C,size is 1,value is 3 b在0x12F46C-0x12F46F 4字节
Address of d is 0x12F464,size is 8,value is 10 d在0x12F464-0x12F46B 8字节
Address of i is 0x12F460,size is 4,value is 5 i在0x12F460-0x12F463 4字节
Address of pb is 0x12F45C,size is 4,value is 0x12F46C 同上
Address of pd is 0x12F458,size is 4,value is 0x12F464 ……
Address of pi is 0x12F454,size is 4,value is 0x12F460 ……

Address of b is 0x12F45C,size is 1,value is 3 b在0x12F45C-0x12F45F 4字节
Address of d is 0x12F460,size is 8,value is 10 d在0x12F460-0x12F467 8字节
Address of i is 0x12F468,size is 4,value is 5

you cannot use sizeof to get the size of 'native storage'. You might use Marshal.Sizeof instead:
C# code

   int i = Marshal.SizeOf( typeof(bool) );  // i = 4
   int j = siz