关于如何获取网吧IP的问题。 我写了个小东东,帮助捕获指定网卡的数据传输。我在家里和公司的机子上装了都能用。可是有朋友拿到网吧用,就不能用了。是不是网吧的机子有什么特殊的设置? 如果是动态分配,但也应该可以检测出来嘛。有一家网吧显示IP为: ,但一点开始绑定,就弹出 "在其上下文中,请求的地址无效"的错误提示。 哪位大侠能帮助解释一下。如何解决这个问题。谢谢。 代码如下: 获取IP列表: IPHostEntry HosyEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry((Dns.GetHostName())); if (HosyEntry.AddressList.Length > 0) { int i = 1; foreach (IPAddress ip in HosyEntry.AddressList) { sIPList.Add(ip.ToString());
this.cbox_IP.Items.Add(ip.ToString()); i++; } }
绑定IP: if (!bContinueCapturing) { //Start capturing the packets... //btnStart.Text = "&Stop";
bContinueCapturing = true;
//For sniffing the socket to capture the packets has to be a raw socket, with the //address family being of type internetwork, and protocol being IP mainSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Raw, ProtocolType.IP);
//Bind the socket to the selected IP address mainSocket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(CaptureIPAddress), 0));
//Set the socket options mainSocket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.IP, //Applies only to IP packets SocketOptionName.HeaderIncluded, //Set the include the header true); //option to true
//Socket.IOControl is analogous to the WSAIoctl method of Winsock 2 mainSocket.IOControl(IOControlCode.ReceiveAll, //Equivalent to SIO_RCVALL constant of Winsock 2 byTrue, byOut);