日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:21309 次
//检索超大日志 //样本 //<166>Mar 31 2007 23:38:50: %PIX-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 731528465 for outside: ( to inside: ( // //<167>Mar 31 2007 23:38:50: %PIX-7-710005: UDP request discarded from to inside: // string vFileName = @"C:\temp\sunday2007-04-01.log"; //检索文件名 DateTime vDateTime = DateTime.Parse("Apr 01 2007 01:09:25"); //检索日期 byte[] vBuffer = new byte[0x1000]; //缓冲区 int vReadLength; //读取长度 long vCurrPostion; //当前检索位置 long vBeginPostion; //检索范围开始点 long vEndPostion; //检索范围结束点 FileStream vFileStream = new FileStream(vFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); vBeginPostion = 0; vEndPostion = vFileStream.Length; while (true) { vCurrPostion = vBeginPostion + (vEndPostion - vBeginPostion) / 2; //从新计算检索位置 vFileStream.Seek(vCurrPostion, SeekOrigin.Begin); vReadLength = vFileStream.Read(vBuffer, 0, vBuffer.Length); string vText = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(vBuffer, 0, vReadLength); Match vMatch = Regex.Match(vText, @"(\r\n)?<\d+>(?<datetime>\w+ \d+ \d+ \d+:\d+:\d+):"); if (!vMatch.Success) break; //没有找到日期 DateTime vTempTime = DateTime.Parse(vMatch.Result("${datetime}")); if (vTempTime == vDateTime) { vBeginPostion = vCurrPostion; vEndPostion = vCurrPostion; } else if (vDateTime > vTempTime) { vBeginPostion = vCurrPostion; //如果该位置的日期小,就向后检索 } else { vEndPostion = vCurrPostion; //如果该位置的日期大,就向前检索 } if (vEndPostion - vBeginPostion < 0x1000) break; } vCurrPostion = Math.Min(vBeginPostion, vEndPostion); //大概位置已经找到 //向前检索 string vTemp = string.Empty; // 连接处的字符串 vBeginPostion = Math.Max(vCurrPostion - 0x1000, 0); vEndPostion = vBeginPostion + 0x1000; while (true) { bool vLoop = false; //是否继续循环 vFileStream.Seek(vBeginPostion, SeekOrigin.Begin); vReadLength = vFileStream.Read(vBuffer, 0, vBuffer.Length); string vText = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(vBuffer, 0, vReadLength) + vTemp; MatchCollection vMatches = Regex.Matches(vText, @"(\r\n)?<\d+>(?<datetime>\w+ \d+ \d+ \d+:\d+:\d+):[^\r\n]+\r\n"); if (vMatches.Count <= 0) break; for (int i = 0; i < vMatches.Count; i++) { DateTime vTempTime = DateTime.Parse(vMatches[i].Result("${datetime}")); if (vTempTime == vDateTime) { if (i == 0 && vBeginPostion > 0) { // 需要继续向前检索 if (vBeginPostion - 0x1000 >= 0) { vTemp = vText.Substring(0, 180); vBeginPostion = vBeginPostion - 0x1000; vLoop = true; }