1、TcpListener server 这些变量都是局部的,为什么还能正常工作。
private void AcceptCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
TcpListener server = (TcpListener)ar.AsyncState;
ClientState state = new ClientState();
// Once the accept operation completes, this callback will
// be called. In it, you can create a new TcpClient in much
// the same way you did it in the synchronous code you had:
state.client = server.EndAcceptTcpClient(ar);
// We're going to start reading from the client's stream, and
// we need a buffer for that:
state.buffer = new byte[4096];
// Note that the TcpClient and the byte[] are both put into
// this "ClientState" object. We're going to need an easy
// way to get at those values in the callback for the read
// operation.
// Next, start a new accept operation so that we can process
// another client connection:
server.BeginAcceptTcpClient(AcceptCallback, server);
// Finally, start a read operation on the client we just
// accepted. Note that you could do this before starting the
// accept operation; the order isn't really important.
state.client.GetStream().BeginRead(state.buffer, 0,state.buffer.Length, ReadCallback, state);
private void ReadCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
ClientState state = (ClientState)ar.AsyncState;
int cbRead = state.client.GetStream().EndRead(ar);
if (cbRead == 0)
// The client has closed the connection
// Your data is in state.buffer, and there are cbRead
// bytes to process in the buffer. This number may be
// anywhere from 1 up to the length of the buffer.
// The i/o completes when there is _any_ data to be read,
// not necessarily when the buffer is full.
// So, for example: 下面的是我的实现。
SockMsgStruct message = new SockMsgStruct();
message = (SockMsgStruct)ZhiKe.Serialization.ByteToObj(state.buffer);
StreamWriter f = new StreamWriter("c:/aa.txt",true);
//textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + strData + "/n/r";
// For ASCII you won't have to worry about partial characters
// but for pretty much any other common encoding you'll have to
// deal with that possibility, as there's no guarantee that an
// entire character will be transmitted in one piece.
// Of course, even with ASCII, you need to watch your string
// terminations. You'll have to either check the re