在线等,关于C# TCP/IP Socket 的 输据传输问题!!!!!!!!
大家好 ,本人现在在做一个家庭安全系统,用TCP/IP Socket 写了 Client 和 server 两个终端。房子的模型(装有几个感应器),当感应器一触发,那么server 端会发出 数据,client 会接受 并作出相应的判断(播放警报音乐文件并发送email)。有些基本的都没有问题了,现在就是当我实际测试的时候,当我的 client接收到server发送来得数据,并要播放音乐文件和发送email时不能正常工作。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace smarthome
class sound
public enum PlaySoundFlags : int
SND_SYNC = 0x0000, /* play synchronously (default) */ //同步
SND_ASYNC = 0x0001, /* play asynchronously */ //异步
SND_NODEFAULT = 0x0002, /* silence (!default) if sound not found */
SND_MEMORY = 0x0004, /* pszSound points to a memory file */
SND_LOOP = 0x0008, /* loop the sound until next sndPlaySound */
SND_NOSTOP = 0x0010, /* don't stop any currently playing sound */
SND_NOWAIT = 0x00002000, /* don't wait if the driver is busy */
SND_ALIAS = 0x00010000, /* name is a registry alias */
SND_ALIAS_ID = 0x00110000, /* alias is a predefined ID */
SND_FILENAME = 0x00020000, /* name is file name */
SND_RESOURCE = 0x00040004 /* name is resource name or atom */
public static extern bool PlaySound( string szSound, IntPtr hMod, PlaySoundFlags flags );
public class Sound
public static void Play( string strFileName )
case "error": strFileName = @"C:\Documents and Settings\Qiu Wei\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\smarthome\smarthome\Resources\1.wav"; break;
case "warning": strFileName = @"C:\Documents and Settings\Qiu Wei\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\smarthome\smarthome\Resources\2.wav"; break;
/* case "fall": strFileName=@"..\..\sound\fall.WAV"; break;
case "huiqi": strFileName=@"..\..\sound\huiqi.WAV"; break;
case "huiqiend": strFileName=@"..\..\sound\huiqiend.WAV"; break;
case "jiangjun": strFileName=@"..\..\sound\jiangjun.WAV"; break;
case "kill": strFileName=@"..\..\sound\kill.WAV"; break;
case "win": strFileName=@"..\..\sound\win.WAV"; break;
case "move": strFileName=@".\start.WAV"; break;
case "hold": strFileName=@".\stop.WAV"; break;
case "no": strFileName=@"..\..\sound\no.WAV"; break;
case "popup": strFileName=@"..\..\sound\popup.WAV"; break;
case "mayfall": strFileName=@"..\..\sound\mayfall.WAV"; break; */