I am wrapping notification bubble for a specific application and I have Add, Remove working. Now I would like to use GetData but I am running into a wall. I cont to recv result of 87 invalid param, I know I am passing correct clsid (I use same one when I add) and I also know the ID is correct again from add but also from nmshn.hdr.code in winproc. that error seams to me indicates I have the DLLImport statement correct but Im putting it here just the same in case its that.
[DllImport( "aygshell.dll ", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi,
EntryPoint = "#156 ")]
private static extern int SHNotificationGetData(ref Guid clsid, uint dwID, ref SHNOTIFICATIONDATA shinfo);
Also here is the snippet where I am trying to retrieve it.
public unsafe SHNOTIFICATIONDATA GetNotificationData(uint dwID)
shinfo.cbStruct = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(shinfo);
Guid g = new Guid(clsid.ToString());
int err = 0;
err = SHNotificationGetData(ref g, dwID, ref shinfo);
if (err != 0)
throw new Exception( "Error getting data! ");
return shinfo;
My next goal is to change my duration and us Update. I know I can use other means (keep copies of my structs locally and get data that way) but I want to really use this function. Thanks.
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