How can i convert a 8 bytes array into datetime?
How can i convert a 8 bytes array into datetime?
The 8 bytes array was read from a binary file written by delphi .
i read the array into an array and try to convert it to datetime.
But i was fail.
i had try this
long testLong = BitConverter.ToInt64(hexString,0);
DateTime dt = new DateTime(testLong);
and this
double doub = BitConverter.ToDouble(hexString, 0);
long testLong = BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits(doub);
DateTime dt = new DateTime(testLong);
they both faild to give me the right things....
What should i do???
------解决方案--------------------string s1 = Encoding.Default.GetString(b);
DateTime t ;
DateTime.TryParse(s1,out t);
还i was fail ... ...
如果是DateTime的long形式。就new DateTime(long)
------解决方案--------------------object tmpObj;
BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
Stream stream = File.OpenRead(path);
tmpObj = formatter.Deserialize(stream);