Windows insists that the callback functions for global system hooks be located in DLLs. Neither C# nor VB.NET are able to produce standard Windows DLLs, which means they 're also unable to process global system hooks -- the MSDN library even explicitly says global system hooks cannot be handled within managed code applications. How discouraging!
------解决方案--------------------Windows坚持, 回调函数为全局系统勾子位于DLLs 。不C # 亦不VB.NET 能生产标准窗口DLLs, 并且意味they 're 无法处理全球性系统勾子-- MSDN 图书馆明确地甚而认为全球性系统勾子无法被处理在被处理的代码应用之内。怎么劝阻!