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FastReport Studio 3


1. Introduction
2. Capabilities
3. Related documents
4. Developers’ contact information



FastReport Studio is an powerful, compact and flexible environment for giving your application the ability to generate reports quickly and efficiently. FastReport Studio provides all the tools you need to develop reports. It includes report engine, report designer, preview, dialog window designer, and four macro interpreters - Basic (VB) style, C++ style, JS style and Pascal style.

The package contains the FastReport COM-server, standalone designer and source code examples for Microsoft Visual C++, Microsoft Visual C# .NET, Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Microsoft ASP.NET, Microsoft FoxPro.

Set of the product pack:

• COM server;
• Designer;
• Configuration utility;
• Scheduler service;
• Demo reports;
• Demo database;
• Documentation pack;
• Sources of the demo examples for following development environments:
1. Microsoft Visual C++;
2. Microsoft Visual C# .NET;
3. Microsoft Visual Basic .NET;
4. Microsoft Visual FoxPro;
5. Microsoft Access;
6. Microsoft Excel.

FastReport Studio constantly develops and regularly finds new features.


Common features
• Powerful, compact and flexible environment for creating reports;
• Compatible with various development environments, which supports COM model (Microsoft Visual C++, Microsoft CSharp.NET, Microsoft Visual Fox Pro, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Visual Basic, Borland Delphi, and so on);
• Includes set of resources for 27 languages.

Data sources
• Microsoft ADO engine;
• Data supplied by application;
• Data generated by built-in script.

Supported report types and data processing
• Free-form;
• Simple list;
• Multilevel groups;
• Multilevel master-detail;
• Multicolumn;
• Cross-tabs;
• Charts;
• Labels;
• Nested reports (sub-reports);
• Special dot-matrix reports to print on dot-matrix printers;
• Interactive (dialogs, hyperlinks, etc);
• All of above in any combination.

Preview, print, and export
• Friendly WYSIWYG interface;
• Multi-page, continuous, side-by-side previews;
• Outline support;
• Search text in preview window;
• Edit report in preview window;
• Print on any local and network printers, including dot-matrix printers;
• Export in PDF, RTF, Microsoft Excel, XML, HTML, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, plain text, and CSV formats;
• Sending the report by e-mail in any supported format.

Report design
• Built-in report designer with customizable interface;
• In-place editing, zooming, rulers, guides and undo/redo;