日期:2014-05-20  浏览次数:21100 次

vs2007 安装方法
费了九牛二虎之力终于下了vs2007     大小:10.9G
文件格式分别为.VHD和.VMC   现在头疼的事情来了
我试着下载了virtual   pc   2004   可是在启动时提示
"e:/vpc/..../base01 "无法找到

Required Software:
Virtual PC 2004 SP1, or Virtual Server 2005 R2
NOTE: Virtual PC 2004 is currently not supported on Windows Vista and is required for this CTP. Therefore this CTP is not currently supported under Windows Vista.
Visual Studio Code Name Orcas Base Image: contains the OS and is a one-time download for all the Virtual PC images that lay on top of it.

这里下载“基础Image ":

VPC Credentials:
After you have downloaded both the Orcas Base Image and all eight files of the differencing image to your local machine, you can launch the differencing image on your Virtual PC or Virtual Server and logon using the credential below:

Username: Administrator
Password: P2ssword
