Function crypt(Action As String, Key As String, Src As String) As String
Dim Count As Integer, KeyPos As Integer, KeyLen As Integer, SrcAsc As Integer, dest As String, offset As Integer, TmpSrcAsc, SrcPos
KeyLen = Len(Key)
If Action = "E " Then
offset = (Rnd * 10000 Mod 255) + 1
dest = Hex$(offset)
If Len(dest) = 1 Then
dest = "0 " + dest
End If
For SrcPos = 1 To Len(Src)
SrcAsc = (Asc(Mid$(Src, SrcPos, 1)) + offset) Mod 255
If KeyPos < KeyLen Then KeyPos = KeyPos + 1 Else KeyPos = 1
SrcAsc = SrcAsc Xor Asc(Mid$(Key, KeyPos, 1))
dest = dest + Format$(Hex$(SrcAsc), "@@ ")
offset = SrcAsc
ElseIf Action = "D " Then
offset = Val( "&H " + Left$(Src, 2))
For SrcPos = 3 To Len(Src) Step 2
SrcAsc = Val( "&H " + Trim(Mid$(Src, SrcPos, 2)))
If KeyPos < KeyLen Then KeyPos = KeyPos + 1 Else KeyPos = 1
TmpSrcAsc = SrcAsc Xor Asc(Mid$(Key, KeyPos, 1))
If TmpSrcAsc <= offset Then
TmpSrcAsc = 255 + TmpSrcAsc - offset
TmpSrcAsc = TmpSrcAsc - offset
End If
dest = dest + Chr(TmpSrcAsc)
offset = SrcAsc
End If
crypt = dest
End Function
private string fCrypt(string Action, string Key, string Src)
int vKeyLen = Key.Length;
int vKeyPos = 0;
byte[] vKeyBuffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Key);
if (Action == "E ")
byte[] vSrcBuffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Src);
string vReturn = " ";
Random vRandom = new Random();
byte vOffset = (byte)vRandom.Next(256);
vReturn = vOffset.ToString( "X2 ");
foreach (byte vByte in vSrcBuffer)
byte vTemp = (byte)((vByte + vOffset) % 255);
vTemp ^= vKeyBuffer[vKeyPos];
vKeyPos = (vKeyPos + 1) % vKeyLen;
vReturn += vTemp.ToString( "X2 ");
vOffset = vTemp;
return vReturn;
else if (Action == "D ")
byte[] vDest = new byte[(Src.Length - 2) / 2];
int vOffset = int.Parse(Src.Substring(0, 2),