sql 视图效率问题
我写了一个视图,在企业管理器里面只要不到10秒就能看到所有的数据,一共1万多条,共列,我想知道为什么我在这个视图上作查询就要花近4分钟,我的试图 创建如下:CREATE VIEW DCLSVIEW AS SELECT ksjbxx.zkzh, ksjbxx.xm, ksjbxx.sfzh, ksjbxx.xb, ksjbxx.csny,ksjbxx.szxx, isnull((SELECT sfbhb.mc FROM sfbhb WHERE sfbhb.bh = ksjbxx.szsf), ' ') AS sfmc,isnull((SELECT mc FROM kdxx WHERE kdxx.bh = ksjbxx.ksdd), ' ') AS ksdd, ksjbxx.ksh,isnull((SELECT kslbbhb.mc FROM kslbbhb WHERE kslbbhb.bh = ksjbxx.kslb), ' ') AS kslb,isnull((SELECT zyfxbhb.mc FROM zyfxbhb WHERE zyfxbhb.bh = ksjbxx.zyfx), ' ') AS zyfx,ksjbxx.txdz,ksjbxx.cf AS cf , isnull((select jf from zyfs where zkzh = ksjbxx.zkzh and kmbh =001 ), '0 ') as zyf001 , isnull((select jf from zyfs where zkzh = ksjbxx.zkzh and kmbh =002 ), '0 ') as zyf002 , isnull((select jf from zyfs where zkzh = ksjbxx.zkzh and kmbh =003 ), '0 ') as zyf003 , isnull((select jf from zyfs where zkzh = ksjbxx.zkzh and kmbh =004 ), '0 ') as zyf004 , isnull((select jf from zyfs where zkzh = ksjbxx.zkzh and kmbh =005 ), '0 ') as zyf005 , isnull((select jf from zyfs where zkzh = ksjbxx.zkzh and kmbh =006 ), '0 ') as zyf006 , isnull((select jf from zyfs where zkzh = ksjbxx.zkzh and kmbh =007 ), '0 ') as zyf007 , isnull((select jf from zyfs where zkzh = ksjbxx.zkzh and kmbh =008 ), '0 ') as zyf008 , isnull((select jf from zyfs where zkzh = ksjbxx.zkzh and kmbh =009 ), '0 ') as zyf009 , isnull((select jf from zyfs where zkzh = ksjbxx.zkzh and kmbh =010 ), '0 ') as zyf010 , isnull((select hdf from whfslrb where whfslrb.zkzh = ksjbxx.zkzh and whfslrb.whkm =01 ), '0 ') as whf01, isnull((select hdf from whfslrb where whfslrb.zkzh = ksjbxx.zkzh and whfslrb.whkm =02 ), '0 ') as whf02, isnull((select hdf from whfslrb where whfslrb.zkzh = ksjbxx.zkzh and whfslrb.whkm =03 ), '0 ') as whf03, isnull((select hdf from whfslrb where whfslrb.zkzh = ksjbxx.zkzh and whfslrb.whkm =04 ), '0 ') as whf04, isnull((select hdf from whfslrb where whfslrb.zkzh = ksjbxx.zkzh and whfslrb.whkm =05 ), '0 ') as whf05, isnull((select hdf from whfslrb where whfslrb.zkzh = ksjbxx.zkzh and whfslrb.whkm =06 ), '0 ') as whf06, isnull((select hdf from whfslrb where whfslrb.zkzh = ksjbxx.zkzh and whfslrb.whkm =07 ), '0 ') as whf07, isnull((select hdf from whfslrb where whfslrb.zkzh = ksjbxx.zkzh and whfslrb.whkm =08 ), '0 ') as whf08, isnull((select hdf from whfslrb where whfslrb.zkzh = ksjbxx.zkzh and whfslrb.whkm =09 ), '0 ') as whf09 , isnull((select jzzf from zyfzfb where zkzh =ksjbxx.zkzh), '0 ') as zyfjzzf,isnull((select place from zyfzfb where zkzh =ksjbxx.zkzh), '0 ') as place ,isnull((select sfplace from zyfzfb where zkzh =ksjbxx.zkzh), '0 ') as sfplace ,isnull((select zyzysx from syb where syb.zkzh = ksjbxx.zkzh and syb.zyzysx = 1), ' ') as zysx1 ,isnull(( select mc from whklbbhb where whklbbhb.bh in (select whkslb from whfs where whfs.zkzh = ksjbxx.zkzh)), ' ') as whkslb,isnull((select whfzf from whfs where whfs.zkzh = ksjbxx.zkzh ), ' ') as whfzf ,isnull((select whfzfdl from whfs where whfs.zkzh = ksjbxx.zkzh), ' ') as whfzfdl , isnull((select sfgsk from whfs where whfs.zkzh = ksjbxx.zkzh), ' ') as sfgsk ,isnull((select case lqzt when '1 ' then '是 ' when '0 ' then '否 ' else null end from ylqxx where ylqxx.zkzh = ksjbxx.zkzh ), ' ') as ylqzt ,isnull((select case sfzzlq when '1 ' then '是 ' when '0 ' then '否 ' else null end from zzlqxx where zzlqxx.zkzh = ksjbxx.zkzh ), ' ') as zzlqzt from ksjbxx