日期:2014-05-20  浏览次数:20729 次

1. Briefly define the following and discuss their major tradeoffs (advantages/costs). What problem are they addressing?
a. Word
b. Hexadecimal
c. Big-endian/little-endian
d. C Pointer
e. Sign extension
2. Discuss why we use binary rather than decimal number representations in hardware.
3. Why are ‘words’ always an integral number of bytes?
4. Discuss the relative merits of C (null-terminated) vs. Pascal (leading length count) style string representations.
5. In C, if you mix unsigned and signed variables in a single expression, signed values are implicitly cast to unsigned. Give an example where this might lead to an unexpected result.
6. Since standard numeric representations such as ‘int’ have implicit limits on their range, why not use standard libraries which can handle effectively infinite precision through representing numbers as strings or linked lists?
7. How would “p && *p” avoid a null pointer access?
8. How would going from 32 bits to 64 bits as the word size affect program performance, assuming cache sizes remained constant?
9. Why do we use typically “nearest even” of the four rounding methods?
10. Why would casting an ‘int’ to a ‘double’ in C change the numeric value?
11. Why do we normalize floating point values as they get further away from 0, but use denormalized values “near” 0?
12. Why are unsigned ints more natural for C programmers to use as pointers rather than signed ints?

lz虽然我不太会你的题= = 。。。但三楼真心装*装到*里去了啊。。平时发帖最烦这种人了 来一句太简单之类的乱七八糟 题么不答专在那里放屁。 你觉得简单人家就觉得简单了? 你不是从什么都不懂走过来的? 觉得简单你可以看看一笑而过,别说些tm 废话,小心折寿。
楼上是sb, 鉴定完毕!