日期:2014-05-20  浏览次数:20988 次


1.本文深刻的阐述了物业管理系统的设计与实现,本设计采用三层B/S(浏览器/服务器)结构,即用户服务层、应用服务层和数据服务层,asp.net和   SQL   Server等作为开发工具。在本文中主要介绍了系统实现的主要功能,物业管理功能,小区管理功能等后台功能的实现,以及前台用户投诉等功能的实现。系统的实现为住户提供了一种更加安全、舒适、方便、快捷和开放的智能化、信息化的生活空间.
本设计采用三层B/S(浏览器/服务器)结构,即用户服务层、应用服务层和数据服务层,asp.net和   SQL   Server等作为开发工具。本设计深刻的阐述如何采用了.NET+SQLserver数据库技术实现小区物业管理系统的优点。


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1. This article profound elaboration estate management system design and the realization, this design used three B/S (browser/server) the structure, namely the user service level, the application service level and the digital data service level, asp.net and SQL Server and so on took the development kit. Mainly introduced the system realization main function in this article, the estate management function, backstage function the and so on plot management function realization, as well as function and so on onstage user suit realization. The system realization safely provided one kind for the inhabitant, comfortable, has been convenient, quickly with the opening intellectualization, the information life space 2. After China joins WTO, the Chinese enterprise faces the competition globalization, the residential district more and more is becoming the housing the mainstream, the plot estate management is aims at the contemporary society this market requirement to arise at the historic moment. This design uses three B/S (browser/server) the structure, namely the user service level, the application service level and the digital data service level, asp.net and SQL Server and so on takes the development kit. How did this design profound elaboration use NET+SQLserver the data bank technology to realize the plot estate management system merit. The function must realize which in the plot estate management system design mainly has, onstage user registration function, onstage plot material inquiry function, onstage user suit function, onstage expense inquiry function. Backstage property plot management, backstage inhabitant information management function, backstage staff information management function, backstage expense letter management function, backstage system information management function. This design realization, has solved at present estate management manual operation clumsy and the easy loss, has provided a good exchange platform and the management tool for the present massive properties company.

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1. This paper profound exposition of the property management system design and implementation A three-tier design of the B / S (browser / server) structure, and the user services layer, application service layer and data service layer, Asp. net and SQL Server as its development tool. In this paper introduces a system for the main functions, the property management functions, such as district management functions to achieve the function of background, and the outlook for consumer complaints and other functions. System of households to provide for a safer, more comfortable, convenient, speedy and open intelligent, Information living space. 2. China 's accession to the WTO, Chinese enterprises are facing competition with globalization, Residential District has increasingly become the mainstream housing and neighborhood property management contemporary society is against the market needs right moment. A three-tier design of the B / S (browser / server) structure, and the user services layer, application service layer and data service layer, Asp. net and SQL Server as its development tool. The design on how profound used. NET + SQL server database technology district property management System advantages. Community property management in system design to achieve is the main function, the prospects of registration of users, Area outlook information inquiry and the outlook complaint function, the cost outlook inquiry. Community property management background, the background of household information management functions, staff background information management functions, background letter cost management functions. background information systems management functions. The realization of this design to solve the current property management manual of stupid and easy to lose, Now a host of property companies to provide a good platform for the exchange and management tools.