SQl用linq 如何用linq 的语法写出来呀
select Ent_ID,SDate,Count(distinct(callcode)) as CallIn_TRS_Suc
from HD201311 where SDate='20131104' and STime>='140000' and ETIME<='145959' and CallType=2 and Len(Called)>5 and TotalLen>0
group by Ent_id,SDate
select Ent_ID,SDate,Sum(TotalLen) as CallIn_Len
from HD201311 where SDate='20131104' and STime>='140000' and ETIME<='145959' and CallType=2 and Len(Called)>5 and TotalLen>0
group by Ent_id,SDate
SQl如何用linq 的语法写出来呀
------解决方案--------------------var query = from data in ds.Tables[0].AsEnumerable()
where data.Field<int>("CallType") == 2
group data by new { t1 = data.Field<int>("Ent_ID"), t2 = data.Field<string>("SDate") } into m
select new
Ent_ID = m.Key.t1,
SDate = m.Key.t2,
CallAll = m.Select(x=>x.Field<string>("callcode")).Distintct().Count()