日期:2014-05-20 浏览次数:20990 次
List<ProductAttribute> list = from p in Product join a in ProductAttribute on p.Pid equals a.Pid into temp from t in temp.DefaultIfEmpty() select new ProductAttribute { Pid = p.Pid, PAid = t.Paid, AttributeName = t.AttributeName };
var query = from p in db.Product select new { p.Pid, p.PName, Attributes = db.ProductAttribute.Where(pa => pa.Pid == p.Pid) }; foreach(var item in query) { string a = item.PName; string b = item.Pid; List<ProductAttribute> list = item.Attributes.ToList(); }
var query = db.ProductInfos.ToList().Select(t=> new ProductResult { PName=t.PName, Pid=t.ID, list = t.ProductAttributeInfos };
假设有一个Product<Pid = 5>,然后把与之关联的所有Attribute作为一个内嵌的类,利用Product.Attributes直接访问到这组Attribute。
所以,我想在select 的new里,应该象之前我在4楼的回复一样,再有new或者子LINQ的查询,如同5楼的fangxinggood给出的答案一样。
而你在7楼的解决办法,正是因为LINQ to SQL返回的结果是IQueryable<>的,而不是LINQ to Objects的IEnumerable<>。而你之前声明的List<>是属于IEnumerable<>的,因此出现了错误。
namespace LinqtoSql { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { NorthwindDataContext db = new NorthwindDataContext(); List<Result> entities = (from s in db.Suppliers join c in db.Customers on s.City equals c.City into temp from t in temp.DefaultIfEmpty() select new Result { SupplierName = s.CompanyName, Custs = db.Customers.Where(c => c.City == t.City).ToList() }).ToList<Result>(); foreach (Result r in entities) { Console.WriteLine("供应商<{0}>及其客户列表", r.SupplierName); foreach (Customers c in r.Custs) Console.WriteLine("\t{0}", c.ContactName); } } } class Result { public string SupplierName = string.Empty; public List<Customers> Custs = null; }