日期:2014-05-20  浏览次数:20822 次

VS2010:add a STS Project in the Solution (FedUtil.exe):Error 0x80070002
VS2010: Error creating a new STS Project in the current Solution (FedUtil.exe): File not found (HRESULT 0x80070002

I use Visual Studio 2010 (run as Administrator) on Windows 7 64-Bit.

The Summary of the Wizard looks like this, after I press Finish, the error occurs.


Application Information:

  Application configuration location: 'D:\myapp\Web.config'

  Application URI: 'http://localhost:12345/myapp'

  Application type: 'Wcf web application'

  Selected wcf service: 'MyService'

  Selected endpoint contract: 'IMyService'

  Application encryption option: 'Enable encryption'

  Selected application certificate: A new certificate with subject name 'DefaultApplicationCertificate' will be added to the personal and trusted people certificate stores, if not already present.

  Issuer name registry changes: A ConfigurationBasedIssuerNameRegistry with one trusted issuer will be added to your application's configuration.


Security Token Service selection:

  STS option: 'Create a new STS project in the current solution'

  Disable STS signing certificate validation: False


Claims requested by the application:

  By default, the following two claims are requested by the application. Update your application's configuration file to add/update your claims requirement.

  1. http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/name

  2. http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/role



  A WS-Federation metadata document for the application will be generated at this location: 'D:\myapp\FederationMetadata\2007-06\FederationMetadata.xml'. All users will be granted access to the document.

  The selected service endpoint will be replaced with a new endpoint, which will have a trust relationship with the selected Security Token Service.

I do not know which file is missing. Is there another way to create a new STS Project?

