日期:2014-05-20  浏览次数:22207 次

打包安装程序时报出:Error 1001 ECall 方法必须打包到系统模块中,错误
打包安装程序时报出:Error 1001 ECall 方法必须打包到系统模块中,错误,有大虾碰到过这种情况吗..给小弟指点下啊..以前没碰到过这种问题...谢啦

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在安装Windows更新,我收到错误讯息“错误1001.ECall方法必须打包到一个系统模块” ... 
After running the latest Windows Updates (around 4/10/08), many of our users encountered multiple error messages.
在运行最新的Windows更新(约4/10/08 ) ,我们的许多用户遇到多个错误信息。 

Apparently an update corrupted the .NET Framework on their systems, so that 3D would no longer load or install when they restarted their computers.
显然是更新损坏的。 NET Framework的系统,使三维将不再负载或安装时,重新启动他们的电脑。 

Problems included Runtime errors displayed at the launch of the 3D program and the inability to reinstall or repair 3D, with various error messages occuring such as:

"...Failure has occurred while loading a type" “ ...失败加载时出现一种” 

"Error 1001.ECall methods must be packaged into a system module" 

"Error 1001.Could not load file or assembly 'sorttbls.nlp' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified..." 
“错误1001.Could无法加载文件或大会' sorttbls.nlp '或其相依性的问题。系统找不到指定的文件... ” 

Here's a cleanup tool that helped some users fix the problem by removing the corrupted .NET Framework, so it could then be reinstalled properly.
这里有一个清理工具,帮助用户解决一些问题,消除损坏。 NET框架,因此,然后可以重新安装正确。 After downloading, be sure to read the included information in the readme files:
http://www.3dinspection.com/support/files/dotnetfx_cleanup_tool.zip http://www.3dinspection.com/support/files/dotnetfx_cleanup_tool.zip 

Also a user brought to our attention that Intuit has posted a nice page with steps, videos and download links on how to fix this .NET 2.0 problem.
用户还提请我们注意, Intuit公司发布了漂亮页面的步骤,视频和下载链接就如何解决这一问题的。 NET 2.0的问题。 See http://support.quickbooks.intuit.com/support/pages/knowledgebasearticle/1009275见http://support.quickbooks.intuit.com/support/pages/knowledgebasearticle/1009275 

In the future, we recommend changing your Windows Update settings to notify you of updates but not automatically install them immediately.
在未来,我们建议改变你的Windows Update设置通知你更新,但他们没有立即自动安装。 

That way you can close all open programs before installing any Windows Updates, which should reduce the chance of a problem occurring when an update installs.

If the above tool does not fix the problem, you may need to contact Microsoft for further help resolving the problem.

NOTE: After using the cleanup tool to remove a corrupted copy of Microsoft .NET Framework, you may also need to reinstall any programs that use .NET that were affected by the Microsoft problem.
注意:使用后清除工具删除已损坏的副本的Microsoft 。 NET Framework ,您可能还需要重新安装的任何程序使用。网,受到了微软的问题

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