日期:2014-05-20  浏览次数:21084 次

关于.Net测试工具,有用过DevPartner Studio Professional Edition8.0的吗?
有人用过DevPartner   Studio   Professional   Edition8.0吗?能不能具体说一下他的优点?

Summary:Accelerate software development and build more reliable code with DevPartner Studio Professional Edition. DevPartner Studio provides a superior solution to .NET development difficulties because it easily integrates into a team 's existing development process and into the Visual Studio .NET IDE. It provides a development solution for both .NET and native code development, helping those who are beginning .NET development while still maintaining and enhancing existing applications.

概况:利用DevPartner Studio Professional Edition能加速软件开发并构建可靠的软件代码,DevPartner Studio能方便的集成到团队的现有开发流程和Visual Studio .NET IDE中,从而对.NET开发提供了出色的解决方案;它还提供针对.NET和本地开发的解决方案,帮助程序的维护和优化人员开发.NET程序。

Topic word:DevPartner Development Analysis .NET


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1. Learning .NET


Many developers are new to Visual Studio NET but they have experience in Windows application development. With DevPartner Studio Professional Edition, you can quickly apply your existing skills to .NET development and shorten your learning curve.

许多开发人员刚接触Visual Studio NET,但他们也许有过windows应用程序的开发经验,利用DevPartner Studio Professional Edition能够利用这些经验快速的从事.NET开发。

DevPartner Studio represents the best way for software developers to quickly learn and apply Visual Studio .NET to complex programming problems, and for building applications supporting business processes。

DevPartner Studio为软件开发人员对复杂的程序错误提出了最佳的标志方法,帮助他们构建应用程序的各种商务逻辑。

DevPartner source code analysis does much more than simply point out your errors.

More important, it tells you why they are errors, and provides pointers to further information on the web or in books。


Using DevPartner Studio source code analysis makes it possible for you to learn while you 're coding, making you more productive while delivering new .NET applications。

利用DevPartner Studio代码分析器,能够让你一边编码一边学习,并通过每次发布新版本,提高你的工作效率。

Development organizations can use the integrated rules editor to create custom rules that reflect standards and technologies unique to that organization。


Developers typically use DevPartner source code analysis as an automated "code review, " applying the expertise of the best developers across the entire group.


And there 's more to learning .NET than looking at your source code. You also have to understand what kind of code produces efficient executables, and what kind produces slow code and bottlenecks。


By tying together the source of bottlenecks with the line or lines of code responsible, you can easily learn what code constructs will cause you problems. These are the types of lessons that can be applied across .NET applications to provide an immediate payback of your learning investment。


2. Migrating to .NET


Using DevPartner Studio Professional Edition, you can migrate your existing Visual Studio 6 applications to .NET. DevPartner Studio includes source code analysis that reviews your existing Visual Basic 6 code. It identifies constructs, logic, and operating system calls that must be modified prior to migration.

可以利用DevPartner Studio Professional Edition将现有的Visual Studio 6应用程序迁移到.NET. DevPartner Studio中,包括那些评估VB6源代码的分析代码,它会将那些代码结构、逻辑和操作系统调用标志出来,并优先迁移。