Chapter 9 - LINQ Operators
Simple Local Filter
string[] names = { "Tom", "Dick", "Harry", "Mary", "Jay" }; IEnumerable<string> query = names.Where (name => name.EndsWith ("y")); query.Dump ("In fluent syntax"); query = from n in names where n.EndsWith ("y") select n; query.Dump ("In query syntax");
Multiple Where Clauses
var names = new[] { "Tom", "Dick", "Harry", "Mary", "Jay" }.AsQueryable(); var query = from n in names where n.Length > 3 let u = n.ToUpper() where u.EndsWith ("Y") select u; query.Dump();
Indexed Filtering
string[] names = { "Tom", "Dick", "Harry", "Mary", "Jay" }; names.Where ((n, i) => i % 2 == 0).Dump ("Skipping every second element");
Contains and LIKE when querying a database
Customers.Where (c => c.Name.Contains ("a")) .Dump ("Notice the SQL translation uses LIKE"); Customers.Where (c => c.Name.StartsWith ("J")) .Dump ("StartsWith and EndsWith also translate to LIKE"); Customers.Where (c => EF.Functions.Like (c.Name, "_ar%y")) .Dump ("A more complex use of LIKE");
IN and NOT IN when querying a database
string[] chosenOnes = { "Tom", "Jay" }; Customers.Where (c => chosenOnes.Contains (c.Name)) .Dump ("This translates to SQL WHERE ... IN"); Customers.Where (c => !chosenOnes.Contains (c.Name)) .Dump ("This translates to SQL WHERE NOT ... IN");
Extra - Where-based Subqueries
// We saw how to construct a basic subquery in Chapter 8: var names = new[] { "Tom", "Dick", "Harry", "Mary", "Jay" }.AsQueryable(); ( from n in names where n.Length == names.Min (n2 => n2.Length) select n ) .Dump ("Basic subquery"); // The same principle works well when querying a database: ( from c in Customers where c.Name.Length == Customers.Min (c2 => c2.Name.Length) select c ) .Dump ("Basic subquery, EF Core"); // We can construct similar subqueries across association properties: ( from c in Customers where c.Purchases.Any (p => p.Price > 1000) select c ) .Dump ("Customers who have purchased at least one item > $1000");
Extra - Where-based Subqueries with let
// The let keyword in query expressions comes in useful with subqueries: it lets // you re-use the subquery in the projection: from c in Customers let highValuePurchases = c.Purchases.Where (p => p.Price > 1000) where highValuePurchases.Any() select new { c.Name, highValuePurchases } // We'll see more examples of this in the following section, "Projecting".
Take and Skip
// We need a long list of names for this example, so will indulge in a little // reflection (using LINQ, of course!) The following query extracts all type // names in the System.CoreLib assembly: string[] typeNames = (from t in typeof (int).Assembly.GetTypes() select t.Name).ToArray(); typeNames .Where (t => t.Contains ("Exception")) .OrderBy (t => t) .Take (20) .Dump ("The first 20 matches"); typeNames .Where (t => t.Contains ("Exception")) .OrderBy (t => t) .Skip (20) .Take (20) .Dump ("Matches 21 through 40");
Take and Skip when querying a database
// The following skips the first 5 purchases (ordered by price) and takes the next 3: Purchases.OrderBy (p => p.Price).Skip (5).Take(3) // Take a look at the SQL. So much easier with LINQ!
TakeWhile and SkipWhile
int[] numbers = { 3, 5, 2, 234, 4, 1 }; numbers.TakeWhile (n => n < 100).Dump ("TakeWhile"); numbers.SkipWhile (n => n < 100).Dump ("SkipWhile");
Distinct querying a database
Purchases.Select (p => p.Description).Distinct()
Projecting - Select
Simple Local Select
var query = from f in FontFamily.Families select f.Name; query.Dump ("In query syntax"); FontFamily.Families.Select (f => f.Name) .Dump ("In lambda syntax");
Projecting into Anonymous Type
from f in FontFamily.Families.AsQueryable() select new { f.Name, LineSpacing = f.GetLineSpacing (FontStyle.Bold) }
Select - No Transformation
from f in FontFamily.Families.AsQueryable() where f.IsStyleAvailable (FontStyle.Strikeout) select f
Select - Indexed
string[] names = { "Tom", "Dick", "Harry", "Mary", "Jay" }; names.Select ((s,i) => i + "=" + s) .Dump();
Select-Subqueries and Object Hierarchies
string sampleDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); DirectoryInfo[] dirs = new DirectoryInfo (sampleDirectory).GetDirectories(); var query = from d in dirs where (d.Attributes & FileAttributes.System) == 0 select new { DirectoryName = d.FullName, Created = d.CreationTime, Files = from f in d.GetFiles() where (f.Attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) == 0 select new { FileName = f.Name, f.Length, } }; query.Dump(); // Here's how to enumerate the results manually: foreach (var dirFiles in query) { Console.WriteLine ("Directory: " + dirFiles.DirectoryName); foreach (var file in dirFiles.Files) Console.WriteLine (" " + file.FileName + "Len: " + file.Length); }
Select-Subqueries querying a database
// Requires .ToList() because EF Core 3 cannot create Queryables in the select result. // Punted for version 3 but may be resolved in the future. // Issue tracked at from c in Customers select new { c.Name, Purchases = ( from p in Purchases where p.CustomerID == c.ID && p.Price > 1000 select new { p.Description, p.Price }).ToList() }
Select-Subqueries using Assocations
from c in Customers select new { c.Name, Purchases = from p in c.Purchases where p.Price > 1000 select new { p.Description, p.Price } }
Select-Subqueries Filtered
from c in Customers where c.Purchases.Any (p => p.Price > 1000) select new { c.Name, Purchases = from p in c.Purchases where p.Price > 1000 select new { p.Description, p.Price } }
Select-Subqueries Filtered with let
from c in Customers let highValueP = from p in c.Purchases where p.Price > 1000 select new { p.Description, p.Price } where highValueP.Any() select new { c.Name, Purchases = highValueP }
Projecting - SelectMany
Simple SelectMany
var fullNames = new[] { "Anne Williams", "John Fred Smith", "Sue Green" }.AsQueryable(); IEnumerable<string[]> query1 = fullNames.Select (name => name.Split()); IEnumerable<string> query2 = fullNames.SelectMany (name => name.Split()); query1.Dump ("A simple Select gives us a hierarchical result set"); query2.Dump ("SelectMany gives us a flat result set"); IEnumerable<string> query3 = from fullName in fullNames from name in fullName.Split() // Translates to SelectMany select name; query3.Dump ("Same SelectMany query, but in query syntax");
Outer Range Variables
var fullNames = new[] { "Anne Williams", "John Fred Smith", "Sue Green" }.AsQueryable(); IEnumerable<string> query = from fullName in fullNames // fullName = outer variable from name in fullName.Split() // name = iteration variable select name + " came from " + fullName; query.Dump ("Both variables are in scope");
Try Translating this to Fluent Syntax!
// (Without cheating, by looking at the lambda tab!) var fullNames = new[] { "Anne Williams", "John Fred Smith", "Sue Green" }.AsQueryable(); IEnumerable<string> query = from fullName in fullNames from name in fullName.Split() orderby fullName, name select name + " came from " + fullName; query.Dump();
The Solution
string[] fullNames = { "Anne Williams", "John Fred Smith", "Sue Green" }; IEnumerable<string> query1 = from fullName in fullNames from x in fullName.Split().Select (name => new { name, fullName } ) orderby x.fullName, select + " came from " + x.fullName; query1.Dump ("The intermediate solution"); IEnumerable<string> query2 = fullNames .SelectMany (fName => fName.Split().Select (name => new { name, fName } )) .OrderBy (x => x.fName) .ThenBy (x => .Select (x => + " came from " + x.fName); query2.Dump ("Final translation to fluent syntax");
NOTE - Another way to call SelectMany
// SelectMany is overloaded to help you (slightly!) with queries that perform a Select // within SelectMany's lambda expression. To illustrate, consider the following query: string[] fullNames = { "Anne Williams", "John Fred Smith", "Sue Green" }; var query1 = fullNames .SelectMany (fName => fName.Split().Select (name => new { name, fName } )); // We can re-write this as follows, and get the same result: var query2 = fullNames .SelectMany (fName => fName.Split(), (fName, name) => new { name, fName } ); query1.Dump ("Using SelectMany+Select"); query2.Dump ("Using SelectMany with a collection selector + result selector"); // Instead of performing a Select inside the SelectMany, we supply SelectMany with two // lambda expressions: // (a) the collection selector (which would otherwise come just before the .Select) // (b) the result selector (which would otherwise be fed into the .Select). // // C#, in the current release, favours this version of SelectMany when translating // query syntax queries. Functionally, it has the same effect as performing // a Select within a SelectMany.
Expanding and Flattening
from c in Customers from p in c.Purchases select c.Name + " bought a " + p.Description
Cross Product
var numbers = new[] { 1, 2, 3 }.AsQueryable(); var letters = new[] { "a", "b" }.AsQueryable(); IEnumerable<string> query = from n in numbers from l in letters select n.ToString() + l; query.Dump();
Cross Product Join
var players = new[] { "Tom", "Jay", "Mary" }.AsQueryable(); IEnumerable<string> query = from name1 in players from name2 in players select name1 + " vs " + name2; query.Dump();
Cross Product Join - Filtered
var players = new[] { "Tom", "Jay", "Mary" }.AsQueryable(); IEnumerable<string> query = from name1 in players from name2 in players where name1.CompareTo (name2) < 0 orderby name1, name2 select name1 + " vs " + name2; query.Dump();
Database - Cross Join
from c in Customers from p in Purchases select c.Name + " might have bought a " + p.Description
Database - Standard (equi) Inner Join
var query1 = from c in Customers from p in Purchases where c.ID == p.CustomerID select c.Name + " bought a " + p.Description; var query2 = from c in Customers from p in c.Purchases select c.Name + " bought a " + p.Description; query1.Dump ("Using SelectMany to manually join"); query2.Dump ("Using an Association to achieve the same result");
Database - Filtered Association
from c in Customers where c.Name.StartsWith ("T") from p in c.Purchases select new { c.Name, p.Description }
Database - Joining to the Parent
// Don't make this harder than it needs to be! from p in Purchases select new { p.Description, CustomerName = p.Customer.Name }
Database - Outer Joins with SelectMany
( from c in Customers from p in c.Purchases where p.Price > 1000 select new { c.Name, p.Description, p.Price } ) .Dump ("An inner join"); ( from c in Customers from p in c.Purchases.DefaultIfEmpty() select new { c.Name, p.Description, Price = (decimal?) p.Price } ) .Dump ("An outer join (without the predicate)");
Local query - Outer Joins with SelectMany
Customer[] localCustomerCollection = Customers.ToArray(); var query = from c in localCustomerCollection from p in c.Purchases.DefaultIfEmpty() select new { Descript = p == null ? null : p.Description, Price = p == null ? (decimal?) null : p.Price }; query.Dump();
Database - Filtered Outer Joins
from c in Customers from p in c.Purchases.Where (p => p.Price > 1000).DefaultIfEmpty() select new { c.Name, p.Description, Price = (decimal?)p.Price } // We could do this instead: //var dbQuery = //from c in Customers //select new //{ // c.Name, // Purchases = // from p in c.Purchases // where p.Price > 1000 // select new { p.Description, p.Price } //}; // //dbQuery.Dump(); // It achieves the same result (outer join), except that you end up with shaped data // instead of flat data. Shaped data is usually easier to work with, anyway, and // if you really need flat data, you could always flatten it via a local query at // the end: //var flat = // from result in dbQuery.AsEnumerable() // from purchase in result.Purchases.DefaultIfEmpty() // select new // { // result.Name, // purchase?.Description, // purchase?.Price // }; // //flat.Dump ("If you really need flat data"); // Yet another option is to check out whether the joining operators can be // used to achieve this result in EFCore.
Extra - Database - Manual Outer Joins
// You can also use a Where subquery to join manually, rather than // through Association properties: from c in Customers from p in Purchases.Where (p => p.CustomerID == c.ID).DefaultIfEmpty() select new { c.Name, p.Description, Price = (decimal?) p.Price } // You can use a similar strategy to perform nonequi-outer joins.
Simple Join
// Note: before delving into this section, make sure you've read the preceding two // sections: Select and SelectMany. The Join operators are actually unnecessary // when querying a database, and the equivalent of SQL inner and outer joins is // most easily achieved using Select/SelectMany and subqueries! from c in Customers join p in Purchases on c.ID equals p.CustomerID select c.Name + " bought a " + p.Description
Join vs SelectMany
Customer[] customers = Customers.ToArray(); Purchase[] purchases = Purchases.ToArray(); var slowQuery = from c in customers from p in purchases where c.ID == p.CustomerID select c.Name + " bought a " + p.Description; var fastQuery = from c in customers join p in purchases on c.ID equals p.CustomerID select c.Name + " bought a " + p.Description; slowQuery.Dump ("Slow local query with SelectMany"); fastQuery.Dump ("Fast local query with Join");
Join - Reversing Sequences
var query1 = from c in Customers join p in Purchases on c.ID equals p.CustomerID select c.Name + " bought a " + p.Description; var query2 = from p in Purchases join c in Customers on p.CustomerID equals c.ID select c.Name + " bought a " + p.Description; query1.Dump(); query2.Dump();
Joining Multiple Sequences
from c in Customers join p in Purchases on c.ID equals p.CustomerID // first join join pi in PurchaseItems on p.ID equals pi.PurchaseID // second join select new { c.Name, p.Description, pi.Detail }
Joining on Multiple Keys
PropertyInfo[] stringProps = typeof (string).GetProperties().Dump ("String Props"); PropertyInfo[] builderProps = typeof (StringBuilder).GetProperties().Dump ("StringBuilder Props"); var query = from s in stringProps join b in builderProps on new { s.Name, s.PropertyType } equals new { b.Name, b.PropertyType } select new { s.Name, s.PropertyType, StringToken = s.MetadataToken, StringBuilderToken = b.MetadataToken }; query.Dump ("Join query");
Joining in Fluent Syntax
var querySyntax = from c in Customers join p in Purchases on c.ID equals p.CustomerID select new { c.Name, p.Description, p.Price }; var fluentSyntax = Customers.Join ( // outer collection Purchases, // inner collection c => c.ID, // outer key selector p => p.CustomerID, // inner key selector (c, p) => new // result selector { c.Name, p.Description, p.Price } ); querySyntax.Dump ("Query syntax"); fluentSyntax.Dump ("Same query in fluent syntax");
Joining in Fluent Syntax with OrderBy
var querySyntax = from c in Customers join p in Purchases on c.ID equals p.CustomerID orderby p.Price select c.Name + " bought a " + p.Description + " for $" + p.Price; var fluentSyntax = Customers.Join ( // outer collection Purchases, // inner collection c => c.ID, // outer key selector p => p.CustomerID, // inner key selector (c, p) => new { c, p } // result selector ) .OrderBy (x => x.p.Price) .Select (x => x.c.Name + " bought a " + x.p.Description + " for $" + x.p.Price); querySyntax.Dump ("Query syntax"); fluentSyntax.Dump ("Same query in fluent syntax");
Simple GroupJoin
// NOTE: EF Core currently requires GroupBy without an aggregate expression to be explicitly performed client-side. This is because // the query translates into a GroupJoin, which SQL databases don't natively support unless an aggregate expression appears in // the SELECT list. The EF Core team takes the position that implicit, rather than explicit, client-side evaluation can mask // performance pitfalls. Subsequently, the developer must explicitly force client-side evaluation. This results in two queries // to the database, where Linq to SQL generated a single, more efficient query. The EF Core team is tracking the issue and // may revisit it at a future date. // from c in Customers.AsEnumerable() join p in Purchases on c.ID equals p.CustomerID into custPurchases select custPurchases
GroupJoin with Outer Range Variable
Customer[] customers = Customers.ToArray(); Purchase[] purchases = Purchases.ToArray(); var groupJoinQuery = from c in customers join p in purchases on c.ID equals p.CustomerID into custPurchases select new { CustName = c.Name, custPurchases }; var selectEquivalent = from c in customers select new { CustName = c.Name, custPurchases = purchases.Where (p => c.ID == p.CustomerID) }; @"The GroupJoin query is more efficient in this case, because we're querying arrays (i.e. local collections).".Dump(); groupJoinQuery.Dump ("Group Join Query"); selectEquivalent.Dump ("Equivalent with Select");
Same Query to a database
// Requires .ToList() because EF Core 3 cannot create Queryables in the select result. // Punted for version 3 but may be resolved in the future. // Issue tracked at var groupJoinQuery = from c in Customers.AsEnumerable() join p in Purchases.AsEnumerable() on c.ID equals p.CustomerID into custPurchases select new { CustName = c.Name, custPurchases }; var selectEquivalent = from c in Customers select new { CustName = c.Name, custPurchases = Purchases.Where (p => c.ID == p.CustomerID).ToList() }; @"Notice in the SQL results pane, that there's no difference between these two queries. The second query, however, is more flexibile.".Dump(); groupJoinQuery.Dump ("Group Join Query"); selectEquivalent.Dump ("Equivalent with Select");
GroupJoin with Inner Join Filter
// NOTE: EF Core currently requires GroupBy without an aggregate expression to be explicitly performed client-side. This is because // the query translates into a GroupJoin, which SQL databases don't natively support unless an aggregate expression appears in // the SELECT list. The EF Core team takes the position that implicit, rather than explicit, client-side evaluation can mask // performance pitfalls. Subsequently, the developer must explicitly force client-side evaluation. This results in two queries // to the database, where Linq to SQL generated a single, more efficient query. The EF Core team is tracking the issue and // may revisit it at a future date. // from c in Customers.AsEnumerable() join p in Purchases on c.ID equals p.CustomerID into custPurchases where custPurchases.Any() select new { CustName = c.Name, custPurchases }
GroupJoin with Pre-Filter
// NOTE: EF Core currently requires GroupBy without an aggregate expression to be explicitly performed client-side. This is because // the query translates into a GroupJoin, which SQL databases don't natively support unless an aggregate expression appears in // the SELECT list. The EF Core team takes the position that implicit, rather than explicit, client-side evaluation can mask // performance pitfalls. Subsequently, the developer must explicitly force client-side evaluation. This results in two queries // to the database, where Linq to SQL generated a single, more efficient query. The EF Core team is tracking the issue and // may revisit it at a future date. // from c in Customers.AsEnumerable() join p in Purchases.Where (p2 => p2.Price > 1000) on c.ID equals p.CustomerID into custPurchases where custPurchases.Any() select new { CustName = c.Name, custPurchases }
Outer Joins
from c in Customers join p in Purchases on c.ID equals p.CustomerID into custPurchases from cp in custPurchases.DefaultIfEmpty() select new { CustName = c.Name, Price = cp == null ? (decimal?) null : cp.Price }
Joining with Lookups
Customer[] customers = Customers.ToArray(); Purchase[] purchases = Purchases.ToArray(); ILookup<int?, Purchase> purchLookup = purchases.ToLookup (p => p.CustomerID, p => p); var inner = from c in customers from p in purchLookup [c.ID] select new { c.Name, p.Description, p.Price }; inner.Dump ("Inner join equivalent"); var outer = from c in customers from p in purchLookup [c.ID].DefaultIfEmpty() select new { c.Name, Descript = p == null ? null : p.Description, Price = p == null ? (decimal?) null : p.Price }; outer.Dump ("Outer join equivalent"); var groupJoin = from c in customers select new { CustName = c.Name, CustPurchases = purchLookup [c.ID] }; groupJoin.Dump ("GroupJoin equivalent");
Extra - Weights Puzzle
// Luke Hoban, from Microsoft, has found a way to solve a puzzle with a LINQ query! // His solution is dramatically faster with Join than SelectMany: // // // // Here's the query in LINQPad: from a in Enumerable.Range(1, 13) join b in Enumerable.Range(1, 13) on 4 * a equals b from c in Enumerable.Range(1, 13) join d in Enumerable.Range(1, 13) on 5 * c equals d from e in Enumerable.Range(1, 13) join f in Enumerable.Range(1, 13) on 3 * e equals 2 * f join g in Enumerable.Range(1, 13) on 2 * (c + d) equals 3 * g from h in Enumerable.Range(1, 13) join i in Enumerable.Range(1, 13) on 3 * h - 2 * (e + f) equals 3 * i from j in Enumerable.Range(1, 13) join k in Enumerable.Range(1, 13) on 3 * (a + b) + 2 * j - 2 * (g + c + d) equals k from l in Enumerable.Range(1, 13) join m in Enumerable.Range(1, 13) on (h + i + e + f) - l equals 4 * m where (4 * (l + m + h + i + e + f) == 3 * (j + k + g + a + b + c + d)) select new { a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, Total = a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j + k + l + m }
Simple Ordering
string[] names = { "Tom", "Dick", "Harry", "Mary", "Jay" }; names.OrderBy (s => s).Dump ("Ordered alphabetically"); names.OrderBy (s => s.Length).Dump ("Ordered by length");
Ordering on Multiple Expressions
var names = new[] { "Tom", "Dick", "Harry", "Mary", "Jay" }.AsQueryable(); names.OrderBy (s => s.Length).ThenBy (s => s) .Dump ("By length, then alphabetically"); names.OrderBy (s => s.Length).ThenBy (s => s[1]).ThenBy (s => s[0]) .Dump ("By length, then second character, then first character"); ( from s in names orderby s.Length, s[1], s[0] select s ) .Dump ("Same query in query syntax");
Purchases .OrderByDescending (p => p.Price) .ThenBy (p => p.Description) .Dump ("In fluent syntax"); ( from p in Purchases orderby p.Price descending, p.Description select p ) .Dump ("In query syntax");
Comparers and Collations
string[] names = { "Tom", "Dick", "Harry", "Mary", "Jay" }; names.OrderBy (n => n, StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) .Dump ("Case insensitive ordering"); ( from c in Customers orderby c.Name.ToUpper() select c.Name ) .Dump ("Closest equivalent when querying a SQL Server database with default collation");
IOrderedEnumerable and IOrderedQueryable
string[] names = { "Tom", "Dick", "Harry", "Mary", "Jay" }; IOrderedEnumerable<string> query1 = names.OrderBy (s => s.Length); IOrderedEnumerable<string> query2 = query1.ThenBy (s => s); query2.Dump(); var query = names.OrderBy (s => s.Length).AsEnumerable(); query = query.Where (n => n.Length > 3); query.Dump();
Simple GroupBy
string[] files = Directory.GetFiles (Path.GetTempPath()).Take (100).ToArray(); files.GroupBy (file => Path.GetExtension (file)) .Dump ("Your temporary files, grouped by extension."); if (files.Length == 100) "(Maybe you need a cleanup!)".Dump();
Enumerating groupings
string[] files = Directory.GetFiles (Path.GetTempPath()).Take (100).ToArray(); IEnumerable<IGrouping<string,string>> query = files.GroupBy (file => Path.GetExtension (file)); foreach (IGrouping<string,string> grouping in query) { Console.WriteLine ("Extension: " + grouping.Key); foreach (string filename in grouping) Console.WriteLine (" - " + filename); }
Transforming the Input Elements
var files = Directory.GetFiles (Path.GetTempPath()).Take (100).ToArray().AsQueryable(); files.GroupBy (file => Path.GetExtension (file), file => file.ToUpper()) .Dump ("In Fluent Syntax"); ( from file in files group file.ToUpper() by Path.GetExtension (file) ) .Dump ("In query syntax");
Group with Query Continuation
var files = Directory.GetFiles (Path.GetTempPath()).Take (100).ToArray().AsQueryable(); ( from file in files group file.ToUpper() by Path.GetExtension (file) into grouping orderby grouping.Key select grouping ) .Dump();
Query Continuation - Filtered
var files = Directory.GetFiles (Path.GetTempPath()).AsQueryable(); ( from file in files group file.ToUpper() by Path.GetExtension (file) into grouping where grouping.Count() < 5 select grouping ) .Dump ("Extensions with less then five files");
Group - Aggregation Only
string[] votes = { "Dogs", "Cats", "Cats", "Dogs", "Dogs" }; IEnumerable<string> query = from vote in votes group vote by vote into g orderby g.Count() descending select g.Key; string winner = query.First(); // Dogs winner.Dump();
Grouping when querying a database
from p in Purchases group p.Price by p.Date.Year into salesByYear select new { Year = salesByYear.Key, TotalValue = salesByYear.Sum() }
Extra - Filtered Grouping with database
// The following groups purchases by year, then returns only those groups where // the average purchase across the year was greater than $1000: from p in Purchases group p.Price by p.Date.Year into salesByYear where salesByYear.Average (x => x) > 1000 select new { Year = salesByYear.Key, TotalSales = salesByYear.Count(), AvgSale = salesByYear.Average(), TotalValue = salesByYear.Sum() }
Grouping by Multiple Keys
from n in new[] { "Tom", "Dick", "Harry", "Mary", "Jay" }.AsQueryable() group n by new { FirstLetter = n[0], Length = n.Length }
Extra - Nested Grouping
// (The following example requires the NORTHWIND database to run. You can // download the Northwind database here: // // // Follow the installation instructions at that URL then set your connection in this query window to // your Northwind database.) // // Suppose you want to project a nested grouping, for example, producing // a hierarchical output of countries, cities and post codes as follows: // // Brazil // Campinas // 04876-786 // Resende // 08737-363 // Rio de Janeiro // 02389-673 // 02389-890 // 05454-876 // // We'll assume the country, city and post code information is all in one table called Orders // (as is it in the NORTHWIND sample database). // // To write this query, you need to nest one "group by" within the projection of another: var query = from o in Orders group o by o.ShipCountry into countryGroups select new { Country = countryGroups.Key, Cities = from cg in countryGroups group cg.ShipPostalCode by cg.ShipCity into cityGroups select new { City = cityGroups.Key, PostCodes = cityGroups.Distinct() } }; query.Dump(); // In this case, at the bottom level we are interested only in a simple list of postal codes (not in // any further information about those orders) so we can use a simple Distinct to get the desired list. // // Here's how to programmatically enumerate the result: foreach (var countryGroup in query) { Console.WriteLine (countryGroup.Country); foreach (var cityGroup in countryGroup.Cities) { Console.WriteLine (" " + cityGroup.City); foreach (string postCode in cityGroup.PostCodes) Console.WriteLine (" " + postCode); } }
Set Operators
Concat and Union
int[] seq1 = { 1, 2, 3 }, seq2 = { 3, 4, 5 }; seq1.Concat (seq2).Dump ("Concat"); seq1.Union (seq2).Dump ("Union");
Intersect and Except
int[] seq1 = { 1, 2, 3 }, seq2 = { 3, 4, 5 }; seq1.Intersect (seq2).Dump ("Intersect"); seq1.Except (seq2).Dump ("seq1.Except (seq2)"); seq2.Except (seq1).Dump ("seq2.Except (seq1)");
Extra - Concat and Union (database)
IQueryable<string> purchaseDescriptions = Purchases.Select (p => p.Description); IQueryable<string> itemDescriptions = PurchaseItems.Select (pi => pi.Detail); purchaseDescriptions.Union (itemDescriptions) .Dump ("Purchase and purchase item descriptions flattened with Union (notice the UNION in the SQL view)"); purchaseDescriptions.Concat (itemDescriptions) .Dump ("Purchase and purchase item descriptions flattened with Concat (notice the UNION ALL in the SQL view)");
Extra - Intersect and Except (database)
IQueryable<string> purchaseDescriptions = Purchases.Select (p => p.Description); IQueryable<string> itemDescriptions = PurchaseItems.Select (pi => pi.Detail); purchaseDescriptions.Intersect (itemDescriptions) .Dump ("Purchases that have an identical description in PurchaseItem"); purchaseDescriptions.Except (itemDescriptions) .Dump ("Purchases that have no corresponding description in PurchaseItem"); itemDescriptions.Except (purchaseDescriptions) .Dump ("PurchaseItems that have no corresponding description in Purchase");
Zip Operator
Zip operator
int[] numbers = { 3, 5, 7 }; string[] words = { "three", "five", "seven", "ignored" }; IEnumerable<string> zip = numbers.Zip (words, (n, w) => n + "=" + w); zip.Dump();
Conversion Methods
Simple Cast
ArrayList classicList = new ArrayList(); classicList.AddRange ( new int[] { 3, 4, 5 } ); IEnumerable<int> sequence1 = classicList.Cast<int>(); sequence1.Dump ("Because sequence1 implements IEnumerable<int>, we can run queries on it");
Cast versus OfType
ArrayList classicList = new ArrayList(); classicList.AddRange ( new int[] { 3, 4, 5 } ); DateTime offender = DateTime.Now; classicList.Add (offender); IEnumerable<int> ofTypeSequence = classicList.OfType<int>(), castSequence = classicList.Cast<int>(); ofTypeSequence.Dump ("Notice that the offending DateTime element is missing"); try { castSequence.Dump(); } catch (InvalidCastException ex) { ex.Message.Dump ("Notice what the offending DateTime element does to the Cast sequence"); }
Cast versus the C# Cast Operator
int[] integers = { 1, 2, 3 }; IEnumerable<long> test1 = integers.OfType<long>(); test1.Dump ("OfType returns no results"); IEnumerable<long> test2 = integers.Cast<long>(); test2.Dump ("Cast returns a sequence of three long integers!"); // Throws an exception. See Chapter 9, "OfType and Cast" // Here's an alternative approach, using a projection: integers.Select (s => (long) s).Dump ("The correct approach");
Cast in Query Syntax
// Query syntax provides a shortcut for using the Cast operator on the // input sequence. You simply include the type name directly after the from clause: object[] untyped = { 1, 2, 3 }; var query1 = from i in untyped.Cast<int>() // Without syntactic shortcut select i * 10; var query2 = from int i in untyped // Notice we've slipped in "int" select i * 10; query1.Dump ("Explicitly calling Cast operator"); query2.Dump ("Syntactic shortcut for same query");
ToArray and ToList
IEnumerable<string> query = "one two two three".Split().Distinct(); string[] toArray = query.ToArray(); List<string> toList = query.ToList(); toArray.Dump(); toList.Dump();
Dictionary<int, string> idToName = Customers.ToDictionary (c => c.ID, c => c.Name); idToName.Dump();
Element Operators
First and Last
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; numbers.First().Dump ("First"); numbers.Last().Dump ("Last"); numbers.First (n => n % 2 == 0).Dump ("First even number"); numbers.Last (n => n % 2 == 0).Dump ("Last even number"); try { numbers.First (n => n > 10); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.Message.Dump ("The First number > 10"); }
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; numbers.FirstOrDefault (n => n > 10) .Dump ("The FirstOrDefault number > 10"); Customers.FirstOrDefault (c => c.Name == "Harry") .Dump ("First customer called 'Harry'"); Customers.FirstOrDefault (c => c.Purchases.Any (p => p.Price > 1000)) .Dump ("First customer with a purchase > $1000"); Customers.FirstOrDefault (c => c.Name == "Dylan") .Dump ("First customer called 'Dylan', or default (null) if no match");
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; numbers.Single (n => n % 3 == 0).Dump ("The Single number divisible by 3"); try { numbers.Single (n => n % 2 == 0); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.Message.Dump ("The Single number divisible by 2"); }
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; try { numbers.Single (n => n > 10); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.Message.Dump ("The Single number > 10"); } numbers.SingleOrDefault (n => n > 10).Dump ("The SingleOrDefault number > 10"); try { numbers.SingleOrDefault (n => n % 2 == 0); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.Message.Dump ("The SingleOrDefault number divisible by two"); }
SingleOrDefault (database)
Customer cust = Customers.Single (c => c.ID == 3); cust.Dump();
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; numbers.ElementAt (2).Dump ("ElementAt (2)"); try { numbers.ElementAt (9); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.Message.Dump ("ElementAt (9)"); } numbers.ElementAtOrDefault (9).Dump ("ElementAtOrDefault (9)");
Aggregation Methods
// Note: refer to 'Grouping' for examples on using aggregations in groupby clauses. new int[] { 5, 6, 7 }.Count() .Dump ("Simple Count"); "pa55w0rd".Count (c => char.IsDigit (c)) .Dump ("Count with predicate");
Min and Max
int[] numbers = { 28, 32, 14 }; numbers.Min().Dump ("Min"); numbers.Max().Dump ("Max"); numbers.Max (n => n % 10).Dump ("Maximum remainder after dividing by ten");
Min and Max (database)
try { Purchases.Min (); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.Message.Dump ("Purchases.Min()"); } Purchases.Min (p => p.Price).Dump ("Lowest price"); Purchases .Where (p => p.Price == Purchases.Min (p2 => p2.Price)) .FirstOrDefault() .Dump ("The cheapest purchase");
Sum and Average
decimal[] numbers = { 3, 4, 8 }; numbers.Sum() .Dump ("Sum"); numbers.Average() .Dump ("Average (mean)"); string[] names = { "Tom", "Dick", "Harry", "Mary", "Jay" }; names.Sum (s => s.Length).Dump ("Combined string lengths");
Average Return Types
// The following generates a compile-time error: int avg = new int[] { 3, 4 }.Average();
Average Upscaling
double avg1 = new int[] { 3, 4 }.Average(); double avg2 = new int[] { 3, 4 }.Average (n => (double) n); avg1.Dump(); avg2.Dump();
Average (database)
from c in Customers where c.Purchases.Average (p => p.Price) > 500 select c.Name
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3 }; numbers.Aggregate (0, (seed, n) => seed + n).Dump();
Contains and Any
new int[] { 2, 3, 4 }.Contains (3) .Dump ("Contains (3)"); new int[] { 2, 3, 4 }.Any (n => n == 3) .Dump ("Any (n => n == 3)"); new int[] { 2, 3, 4 }.Any (n => n > 10) .Dump ("Has a big number"); new int[] { 2, 3, 4 }.Where (n => n > 10).Any() .Dump ("Has a big number");
Customers.Where (c => c.Purchases.All (p => p.Price < 100))
var query = "Hello".Distinct(); query.SequenceEqual ("Helo").Dump();
Generation Methods
Empty - Use Case
int[][] numbers = { new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, new int[] { 4, 5, 6 }, null // this null makes the query below fail. }; IEnumerable<int> flat = numbers.SelectMany (innerArray => innerArray); flat.Dump(); // Throws a NullReferenceException
Empty - Solution
int[][] numbers = { new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, new int[] { 4, 5, 6 }, null // this necessitates the null coalescing operator below }; IEnumerable<int> flat = numbers .SelectMany (innerArray => innerArray ?? Enumerable.Empty <int>() ); flat.Dump();
Range and Repeat
Enumerable.Range (5, 5).Dump ("Range"); Enumerable.Repeat (true, 3).Dump ("Repeat");