日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20863 次
Send HTML Mail usingSmartforms
Hi everyone, in this blog I will share my twocents worth in sending notification email in SAP.
In my project, I have to write a customizedWeb Dynpro Application to facilitate a business process for user. Most of theactivities in this business process is about Approval,with different layers of Approver. After each Approver makes an action(Approve/Reject), notification emails have to be sent to relevant parties.
在项目中,我们需要写一个自定义的Web Dynpro应用程序,以方便用户的业务流程。此业务流程的活动大多是有关批准,与不同层次的审批者。每个审批人(批准/拒绝)后,通过电子邮件发送到相关人士。
The total different emails willhave to be sent is morethan 10. I have to find an effective way to sendout the emails.
Even though there are more than 10 emailcontents, more or less they have the same structures.
E.g. <<Footer>> isalways like "Thisis a generated computer message. Please do not reply."
This means if I find an effective way togroup the email and write the code, maintenance will be much more easier for meif user requires any changes in the future. I start Google and search for ideason SCN. Some of the solutions I found:
E.g. - Write email content in the code,make use of Text Elements
- Use SO10 to write email content
例如 – 用代码写邮件内容必须使用文本元素
- 电子邮件的内容
All of the solutions I found did not meet mycriteria of structuring Email Contents for easy maintenance.
This is when I came to think of usingSmartforms. Smartforms with its Control Flow and Condition will help me