日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:20828 次





1.      obj.firstChild/.lastChild/.nextSibling/.childNodes/.previousSibling should be changed. 3

2.      Assign a property “id” to HTML element if it miss “id” - 3

3.      Keep parameters case-sensitive between file.js and file.cs - 3

4.      Using getElementById(objId) to get a object instead of eval(objId) - 3

5.      Add <tr> between <thead>and<th> -- 4

6.      Change aRows(i).cells to aRows[i].cells - 4

7.      Using standard way to get/set customized value - 4

8.      Using standard way to remove an option. 5

9.      Firefox doesn’t support Expression in style file. 5

10.         Change the event onmouseleave() to onmouseout() - 5

11.         Change obj.fireEvent(eventname) to fireEvent(obj,eventname) - 5

12.         Don’t use the command document.readyState!="complete" - 5

13.         Don’t use window.createPopup() - 6

14.         Change document.body.scrollLeft to document.documentElement.scrollLeft 6

15.         Firefox dosen’t support filter property - 6

16.         Add a postfix ‘px’ to specify the width/height or position - 6

17.         Change style=”cursor:hander” to style=”cursor:pointer” - 7

18.         Don’t forget propertys “title” and “alt” for img element 7

19.         FireFox do not support the style “display:block” into <tr> -- 7

20.         Don’t forget setting opacity for firefox - 7

21.         Have browsers IE and FireFox compatible in .css - 8

   1. obj.firstChild/.lastChild/.nextSibling/.childNodes/.previousSibling should be changed.

Some functions exist in IE and Firefox, but they might implement different functionality, you can change them into our predefined function in SalIEFirefox.js.

Not compatible:

var wrongGet = obj.firstChild ;

var wrongGet = obj.lastChild ;

var wrongGet = obj.nextSibling ;

var wrongGet = obj.childNodes ;

var wrongGet = obj.previousSibling ;


var rightGet = getFirstChild (obj)

var rightGet = getLastChild (obj)

var rightGet = getNextSibling (obj)

var rightGet = getChildNodes (obj)

var rightGet = getPreviousSibling (obj)

   1. Assign a property “id” to HTML element if it miss “id”

Add “id” for every HTML element, because if there is only “name” for HTML element, IE will assign the “name” value to “id”, but Firefox will not.

Not compatible:

tmpHtml.Append("<input type=\"text\" name=\"" + str1 + "\" value=\"0\">" );


tmpHtml.Append("<input type=\"text\" name=\"" + str1 + "\" id=\"" + str1 + "\" value=\"0\">" );

   1. Keep parameters case-sensitive bet