IE8 css hack
不知各位有没有使用过IE8,有没有找到总结IE8的CSS hack?网上找的/*/p{ color:#1e90ff}/*/在IE8似乎没效果
某外文网站上的解决方案,摘抄如下:Place the following HTML META tag into the HEAD element of each Web page (before tags other than TITLE or META):
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7"/>
This will tell Windows Internet Explorer 8 to render each page as Windows Internet Explorer 7 would, fixing your Web site.
大意是:在<head>中,<title>和任何<meta>之前插入这个<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7"/> , 这一行信息就告诉IE8將该页面按照IE7的规则来处理!我已用过,能够解决问题![color=#800080][/color]