日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20934 次
<?php class html { var $dir; //dir for the htmls(without/) var $rootdir; //root of html files(without/):html var $name; //html文件存放路径 var $dirname; //指定的文件夹名称 var $url; //获取html文件信息的来源网页地址 var $time; //html文件信息填加时的时间 var $dirtype; //目录存放方式:year,month,,,, var $nametype; //html文件命名方式:name function html($nametype = 'name', $dirtype = 'year', $rootdir = 'html') { $this -> setvar($nametype, $dirtype, $rootdir); } function setvar($nametype = 'name', $dirtype = 'year', $rootdir = 'html') { $this -> rootdir = $rootdir; $this -> dirtype = $dirtype; $this -> nametype = $nametype; } function createdir($dir = '') { $this -> dir = $dir?$dir:$this -> dir; if (!is_dir($this -> dir)) { $temp = explode('/', $this -> dir); $cur_dir = ''; for($i = 0;$i < count($temp);$i++) { $cur_dir .= $temp[$i] . '/'; if (!is_dir($cur_dir)) { @mkdir($cur_dir, 0777); } } } } function getdir($dirname = '', $time = 0) { $this -> time = $time?$time:$this -> time; $this -> dirname = $dirname?$dirname:$this -> dirname; switch($this -> dirtype) { case 'name': if(empty($this -> dirname)) $this -> dir = $this -> rootdir; else $this -> dir = $this -> rootdir . '/' . $this -> dirname; break; case 'year': $this -> dir = $this -> rootdir . '/' . date("Y", $this -> time); break; case 'month': $this -> dir = $this -> rootdir . '/' . date("Y-m", $this -> time); break; case 'day': $this -> dir = $this -> rootdir . '/' . date("Y-m-d", $this -> time); break; } $this -> createdir(); return $this -> dir; } function geturlname($url = '') { $this -> url = $url?$url:$this -> url; $filename = basename($this -> url); $filename = explode(".", $filename); return $filename[0]; } function geturlquery($url = '') { $this -> url = $url?$url:$this -> url; $durl = parse_url($this -> url); $durl = explode("&", $durl[query]); foreach($durl as $surl) { $gurl = explode("=", $surl); $eurl[] = $gurl[1]; } return join("_", $eurl); } function getname($url = '', $time = 0, $dirname = '') { $this -> url = $url?$url:$this -> url; $this -> dirname = $dirname?$dirname:$this -> dirname; $this -> time = $time?$time:$this -> time; $this -> getdir(); switch($this -> nametype) { case 'name': $filename = $this -> geturlname() . '.htm'; $this -> name = $this -> dir . '/' . $filename; break; case 'time': $this -> name = $this -> dir . '/' . $this -> time . '.htm'; break; case 'query': $this -> name = $this -> dir . '/' . $this -> geturlquery() . '.htm'; break; case 'namequery': $this -> name = $this -> dir . '/' . $this -> geturlname() . '-' . $this -> geturlquery() . '.htm'; break; case 'nametime': $this -> name = $this -> dir . '/' . $this -> geturlname() . '-' . $this -> time . '.htm';