日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:20794 次


??? 利用 CSS 控制 DIV 块中内容强制换行。先来看下示例:



<div style="width:30%;">


break-all Behaves the same as normal for Asian text, yet allows the line to break arbitrarily for non-Asian text.This value is suited to Asian text that contains some excerpts of non-Asian text.keep-all Does not allow word breaking for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Functions the same way as normal for all non-Asian languages. This value is optimized for text that includes small amounts of Chinese, Japanese, or Korean.





<div style="width:30%;word-wrap:break-word;overflow:hidden;">


break-all Behaves the same as normal for Asian text, yet allows the line to break arbitrarily for non-Asian text.This value is suited to Asian text that contains some excerpts of non-Asian text.keep-all Does not allow word breaking for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Functions the same way as normal for all non-Asian languages. This value is optimized for text that includes small amounts of Chinese, Japanese, or Korean.





CSS: word-wrap:break-word;overflow:hidden;



与 break-word 不同,是控制是否断词的。


overflow 属性规定当内容溢出元素框时发生的事情,当 hidden时,内容会被修剪,并且其余内容是不可见的。
