日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:20849 次

Ext4 HtmlEditor富文本加入固定表情panel



* @class Ext.ux.form.plugin.HtmlEditor
* @author Adrian Teodorescu (ateodorescu@gmail.com; http://www.mzsolutions.eu)
* @docauthor Adrian Teodorescu (ateodorescu@gmail.com; http://www.mzsolutions.eu)
* @version 1.1
* Provides plugins for the HtmlEditor. Many thanks to [Shea Frederick][1] as I was inspired by his [work][2].
* [1]: http://www.vinylfox.com
* [2]: http://www.vinylfox.com/plugin-set-for-additional-extjs-htmleditor-buttons/
* The plugin buttons have tooltips defined in the {@link #buttonTips} property, but they are not
* enabled by default unless the global {@link Ext.tip.QuickTipManager} singleton is {@link Ext.tip.QuickTipManager#init initialized}.
#Example usage:#

{@img Ext.ux.form.plugin.HtmlEditor.png Ext.ux.form.plugin.HtmlEditor plugins}

     var top = Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
        title:          'HtmlEditor plugins',
        bodyStyle:      'padding:5px 5px 0',
        width:          '80%',
        fieldDefaults: {
            labelAlign:     'top',
            msgTarget:      'side'

        items: [{
            xtype:          'htmleditor',
            fieldLabel:     'Text editor',
            height:         300,
            plugins: [
                    enableAll:  true
            anchor:         '100%'

        buttons: [{
            text: 'Save'
            text: 'Cancel'


Ext.define('Ext.ux.form.plugin.HtmlEditor', {
    mixins: {
        observable: 'Ext.util.Observable'
    alternateClassName: 'Ext.form.plugin.HtmlEditor',
    requires: [
    * @cfg {Boolean} enableAll Enable all available plugins
    enableAll:              false,
    * @cfg {Boolean} enableUndoRedo Enable "undo" and "redo" plugins
    enableUndoRedo:         false,
    * @cfg {Boolean} enableRemoveHtml Enable the plugin "remove html" which is removing all html entities from the entire text
    enableRemoveHtml:       false,
    * @cfg {Boolean} enableRemoveFormatting Enable "remove format" plugin
    enableRemoveFormatting: false,
    * @cfg {Boolean} enableIndenting Enable "indent" and "outdent" plugins
    enableIndenting:        false,
    * @cfg {Boolean} enableSmallLetters Enable "superscript" and "subscript" plugins
    enableSmallLetters:     false,
    * @cfg {Boolean} enableHorizontalRule Enable "horizontal rule" plugin
    enableHorizontalRule:   false,
    * @cfg {Boolean} enableSpecialChars Enable "special chars" plugin
    enableSpecialChars:     false,
    * @cfg {Boolean} enableWordPaste Enable "word paste" plugin which is cleaning the pasted text that is coming from MS Word
    enableWordPaste:        false,
    * @cfg {Boolean} enableFormatBlocks Enable "format blocks" plugin which allows to insert formatting tags.
    enableFormatBlocks:     false,
    * @cfg {Boolean} defaultFormatBlock Set the default block format.
    defaultFormatBlock:     'p',
     * 表情
    enableFaceImages:     false,
    enableInsertTable:      false,
    wordPasteEnabled:       false,
     * @cfg {Array} specialChars
     * An array of additional characters to display for user selection.  Uses numeric portion of the ASCII HTML Character Code only. For example, to use the Copyright sym