日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20727 次
日期:2012-8-8 来源:GBin1.com
拥有两套不同的UI,一个是仪表盘,一个类似原来我们介绍的jQuery knob界面。支持UI元素自定义你可以生成自己需要的颜色格式。
var opts = { lines: 12, // The number of lines to draw angle: 0.21, // The length of each line lineWidth: 0.44, // The line thickness pointer: { length: 0.9, // The radius of the inner circle strokeWidth: 0.108 // The rotation offset }, colorStart: '#909090', // Colors colorStop: '#8FC0DA', // just experiment with them strokeColor: '#E0E0E0' // to see which ones work best for you }; var target = document.getElementById('foo'); // your canvas element var gauge = new Gauge(target).setOptions(opts); // create sexy gauge! gauge.maxValue = 3000; // set max gauge value gauge.animationSpeed = 46; // set animation speed (32 is default value) gauge.set(650); // set actual value
$.fn.gauge = function(opts) { this.each(function() { var $this = $(this), data = $this.data(); if (data.gauge) { data.gauge.stop(); delete data.gauge; } if (opts !== false) { data.gauge = new Gauge(this).setOptions(opts); } }); return this; };