日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:20975 次





Letter Learner

The ribbon nicely frames the name?Letter Learner?here. Also, the page is laid out as a single column; the ribboned title encourages the user to start their journey at the top and flow down from there.


Ribot’s ribbon is fairly subtle. The flourish livens up the page, while summing up the company’s focus in a two-word tagline. A perfect way to set expectations, because the company name does not tell us what it does.

Alex Pierce

With the text being so enormous on the home page of?Alex Pierce’s portfolio, it would take a rather bold element to balance it out. In this case, the ribbon does a good job of setting off the header. I also love how the folded layer in the middle of the ribbon adds focus to the designer’s name.


On the rather unusual?Rockaholic!, the ribbon directs the user’s attention down, playing nicely into the vertical scroll of the website and helping the user dig into the content.

Paris Jones

The delicious red of the ribbon makes the band name?Paris Jones?pop out here. Even though the text treatment is rather subtle, the bold pattern ensures that you notice it.

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