日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:21532 次
<script runat="server">
* This function must check the user session to be sure that he/she is
* authorized to upload and access files using CKFinder.
public override bool CheckAuthentication()
// WARNING : DO NOT simply return "true". By doing so, you are allowing
// "anyone" to upload and list the files in your server. You must implement
// some kind of session validation here. Even something very simple as...
// return ( Session[ "IsAuthorized" ] != null && (bool)Session[ "IsAuthorized" ] == true );
// ... where Session[ "IsAuthorized" ] is set to "true" as soon as the
// user logs on your system.
return true;
* All configuration settings must be defined here.
public override void SetConfig()
// Paste your license name and key here. If left blank, CKFinder will
// be fully functional, in Demo Mode.
LicenseName = "";
LicenseKey = "";
// The base URL used to reach files in CKFinder through the browser.
BaseUrl = "/ckfinder/userfiles/";
// The phisical directory in the server where the file will end up. If
// blank, CKFinder attempts to resolve BaseUrl.
BaseDir = "";
// Thumbnail settings.
// "Url" is used to reach the thumbnails with the browser, while "Dir"
// points to the physical location of the thumbnail files in the server.
Thumbnails.Url = BaseUrl + "_thumbs/";
Thumbnails.Dir = BaseDir + "_thumbs/";
Thumbnails.Enabled = true;
Thumbnails.DirectAccess = false;
Thumbnails.MaxWidth = 100;
Thumbnails.MaxHeight = 100;
Thumbnails.Quality = 80;
// Set the maximum size of uploaded images. If an uploaded image is
// larger, it gets scaled down proportionally. Set to 0 to disable this
// feature.
Images.MaxWidth = 1600;
Images.MaxHeight = 1200;
Images.Quality = 80;
// Indicates that the file size (MaxSize) for images must be checked only
// after scaling them. Otherwise, it is checked right after uploading.
CheckSizeAfterScaling = true;
// Due to security issues with Apache modules, it is recommended to leave the
// following setting enabled. It can be safely disabled on IIS.
ForceSingleExtension = true;
// For security, HTML is allowed in the first Kb of data for files having the
// following extensions only.
HtmlExtensions = new string[] { "html", "htm", "xml", "js" };
// Folders to not display in CKFinder, no matter their location. No
// paths are accepted, only the folder name.
// The * and ? wildcards are accepted.
HideFolders = new string[] { ".svn", "CVS" };
// Files to not display in CKFinder, no matter their location. No
// paths are accepted, only the file name, including extension.
// The * and ? wildcards are accepted.
HideFiles = new string[] { ".*" };
// Perform additional checks for image files.
SecureImageUploads = true;
// The session variable name that CKFinder must use to retrieve the
// "role" of the current user. The "role&