日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:20759 次

请优化以下sql,我本意是想用sum来统计,但是我还要做user_id(varchar型)排重 ,sum我没有办法对varchar型的user_id排重(反正我不会),所以现在用count来统计,可是效率很低需要30多秒才能出结果,求高手优化。。
SQL code

'stat_time' = '2011-04', 
'fixed_net' = count(distinct case certify_user_type when 1 then user_id else null end ) ,
'school_net' = count(distinct case certify_user_type when 3 then user_id else null end ),
'differ_net' = count(distinct case certify_user_type when 4 then user_id else null end ),
'wlan_net' = count(distinct case certify_user_type when 5 then user_id else null end ),
'other_net' = count(distinct case certify_user_type when 0 then user_id else null end ),
'oneType_user' = count(distinct case when user_type_id=1 and certify_user_type=2 then user_id else null end ) ,
'twoType_user' = count(distinct case when user_type_id=2 and certify_user_type=2 then user_id else null end ),
'threeType_user' = count(distinct case when user_type_id=3 and certify_user_type=2 then user_id else null end ),
'other_user' = count(distinct case when user_type_id=99 and certify_user_type=2 then user_id else null end ),
'local_rom' = count(distinct case romflag when 0 then user_id else null end ),
'out_rom' = count(distinct case romflag when 1 then user_id else null end ),
'in_rom' = count(distinct case romflag when 2 then user_id else null end ),
'nation_out_rom' = count(distinct case romflag when 3 then user_id else null end ),
'nation_in_rom' = count(distinct case romflag when 5 then user_id else null end ) 
from wlan_auth_user_vlan_2011_04 a


user_id 是存的String的数字吗 是的话可以直接sum啊
看见你的sql太麻烦了 我写一个列子把
2 XiaoHong 11-12 115
3 XiaoMing 06-11 19
4 XiaoGang 05-23 19
5 XiaoTian 08-14 20
SQL code

SELECT SUM(MID(t.birthDate,1,2)) FROM test_user t GROUP BY t.age

select '2011-04' stat_time,
case certify_user_type when 1 then sum(cnt) else 0 end fixed_net,
case certify_user_type when 3 then sum(cnt) else 0 end school_net,
case certify_user_type when 4 then sum(cnt) else 0 end differ_net,
case certify_user_type when 5 then sum(cnt) else 0 end wlan_net,
case certify_user_type when 0 then sum(cnt) else 0 end other_net,
case when user_type_id=1 and certify_user_type=2 then sum(cnt) else 0 end oneType_user
select certify_user_type,user_type_id,romflag,count(distinct userid) cnt
from wlan_auth_user_vlan_2011_04 a group by certify_user_type,user_type_id,romflag


你想要的应该是group by 后行转列吧
SQL code
select '2011-04' stat_time,
case  certify_user_type when 1 then sum(cnt) else 0 end fixed_net,
case  certify_user_type when 3 then sum(cnt) else 0 end school_net,
case  certify_user_type when 4 then sum(cnt) else 0 end differ_net,
case  certify_user_type when 5 then sum(cnt) else 0 end wlan_net,
case  certify_user_type when 0 then sum(cnt) else 0 end other_net,
case when user_type_id=1 and certify_user_type=2 then sum(cnt) else 0 end oneType_user
select certify_user_type,user_type_id,romflag,count(distinct userid) cnt
from wlan_auth_user_vlan_2011_04 a group  by certify_user_type,user_type_id,romflag
) t

LZ 去数据库版可能会得到更好的答案。