日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:20741 次

Description Resource Path Location Type
connDbBean cannot be resolved qtleft.jsp jspwsjxsjfw/WebRoot line 34 JSP Problem
connDbBean cannot be resolved qtleft.jsp jspwsjxsjfw/WebRoot line 200 JSP Problem
missing ( before function parameters. editor.js jspwsjxsjfw/WebRoot/eWebEditor_V4.60/js line 26 Validation Message
ResultSet cannot be resolved to a type qtleft.jsp jspwsjxsjfw/WebRoot line 34 JSP Problem
ResultSet cannot be resolved to a type qtleft.jsp jspwsjxsjfw/WebRoot line 200 JSP Problem

connDbBean ,ResultSet 
楼主貌似是少包 数据库驱动包