日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:21081 次

String hql = "select a.houseid as houseid,a.buildunitid as buildingid,a.buildingname as buildingname,"
+ " f.unitid as sellerunitid,f.unitname as sellerunitname,e.unitid as servicerid,e.unitname as"
+ " servicername,b.sectionid as sectionid,b.sectionname as sectionname,c.unitid as streetid,"
+ " c.unitname as streetname,d.villageid as villageid,d.villagename as villagename,a.cellid as"
+ " cellid,a.cellname as cellname, a.roomno as roomno,a.payarea as payarea,a.actarea as actarea,"
+ " a.telphone as telphone,a.mobilephone as mobilephone,a.location as location,"
+ " g.keyvalue as structtype,g.keyname as structtypename,"
+ "h.keyvalue as buildtype,h.keyname as buildtypename,"
+ "i.keyvalue as housetype,i.keyname as housetypename,"
+ "j.keyvalue as houseusertype,j.keyname as houseusertypename,"
+ "k.keyvalue as paymentflag,k.keyname as paymentflagname,"
+ "l.keyvalue as housestatus,l.keyname as housestatusname"
+ " from v_arh_houseinfo a"
+ ", arh_section b,arh_streetoffice c"
+ ",arh_villageinfo d "
+ ",arh_servicerinfo e"
+ ",arh_sellerunitinfo f "
+ ",(select * from dic_constants u where u.constantcategoryid=1091) g "
+ ",(select * from dic_constants v where v.constantcategoryid=1092) h "
+ ",(select * from dic_constants w where w.constantcategoryid=1093) i "
+ ",(select * from dic_constants x where x.constantcategoryid=1094) j "
+ ",(select * from dic_constants y where y.constantcategoryid=1120) k "
+ ",(select * from dic_constants z where z.constantcategoryid=1090) l "
+ "where 1=1 and a.sectionid=b.sectionid(+) and a.villageid=d.villageid(+) "
+ " and a.streetid=c.unitid(+) and a.servicerid=e.unitid(+) and a.sellerunitid=f.unitid(+) "
+ " and a.structtype=g.keyvalue(+) and a.buildtype=h.keyvalue(+) and a.housetype=i.keyvalue(+) "
+ " and a.houseusetype=j.keyvalue(+) and a.paymentflag=k.keyvalue(+) and a.housestatus=l.keyvalue(+) "
+ "and a.structtype=:structtype and a.buildtype=:buildtype and a.housetype=:housetype" 
+" and a.paymentflag=:paymentflag order by a.houseid desc";
SQLQuery q = session.createSQLQuery(hql);

只能说方法有问题,,, select * from dic_constants u where u.constantcategoryid=1091) g "
+ ",(select * from dic_constants v where v.constantcategoryid=1092) h "
+ ",(select * from dic_constants w where w.constantcategoryid=1093)
 有 where in可能代替!!
hql += "and a.structtype=:structtype ";

hql += "";
