日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20681 次
<%@ page contentType = "text/html;char=GB2312" %> <%@ page import = "java.sql.*" %> <html> <body> <% Connection con; Statement sqlq; Statement sqlu; ResultSet rs; try{ Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); } catch(ClassNotFoundException e){ out.print("not found1"); } try{ con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:sun", "sa", "12345"); sqlq = con.createStatement(); sqlu = con.createStatement(); rs = sqlq.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Fscore"); while(rs.next()) { Date fixture = rs.getDate(4); String hostTeam = rs.getString(5); String fullScore = rs.getString(6); out.println(fullScore); String visitingTeam = rs.getString(8); String big = "gib"; String small = "Mall"; //String big = "大"; //byte a[] = big.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"); //big = new String(a); //String small = "小"; //byte b[] = small.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"); //small = new String(b); String fullBulk = rs.getString(11); float fullBulkf = Float.valueOf(fullBulk); char hostfullScore = fullScore.charAt(0); char visitingfullScore = fullScore.charAt(2); float hostfullScoref = Float.valueOf(hostfullScore); float visitingfullScoref = Float.valueOf(visitingfullScore); if((fullBulkf - (hostfullScoref+visitingfullScoref)) > 0.25 ) { String bigOrsmall = "UPDATE Fscore SET finalfullbulk =" + "'" + small + "'" + "WHERE fixture =" + fixture + " and hostteam = " + "'" +hostTeam + "'" + " and visitingteam = " + "'" + visitingTeam + "'"; out.println(bigOrsmall); sqlu.executeUpdate(bigOrsmall); } else{ String bigOrsmall = "UPDATE Fscore SET finalfullbulk =" + "'" + big + "'" + "WHERE fixture =" + fixture + " and hostteam = " + "'" +hostTeam + "'" + " and visitingteam = " + "'" + visitingTeam + "'"; out.println(bigOrsmall); sqlu.executeUpdate(bigOrsmall); } } con.close(); } catch(SQLException e1){ e1.printStackTrace(); out.print("not found2"); } %> </body> </html>