日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20716 次

求一句 简单的HQL ,关于in
String hql = " from TbA as t where t.waiId in (?) and t.startTime >=? and t.endTime <=? order by t.id asc";
  waiId 是Integer类型 那么 第一个参数如何设置? 我设置成 "1,2" 只是返回 当等于 1 的结果。 2的结果没有了。

String hql = " from TbA as t where t.waiId in ("+"1,2"+") and t.startTime >=? and t.endTime <=? order by t.id asc"; 


Java code

 String   vals[]=new   String[]{"1","2","3"};   
 String hql = " from  TbA as t where t.waiId in (:ids) and t.startTime >=? and t.endTime <=?  order by t.id asc"; 
 Query   query   =   session.createQuery(hql);   


return query.list();