日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20709 次

aix +tomcat5.0.28+jdk1.42的内存问题?
aix +tomcat5.0.28+jdk1.42的内存问题? 
**Out of memory, aborting** 
*** panic: JVMCL053: Cannot allocate memory in allocHeap for heap segment 
JVMDG217: Dump Handler is Processing Signal 6 - Please Wait. 
JVMDBG001: malloc failed to allocate 2621440 bytes, time: Sun Oct 14 15:19:55 27 
JVMDBG001: malloc failed to allocate 2097152 bytes, time: Sun Oct 14 15:19:55 27 
JVMDBG001: malloc failed to allocate 1572864 bytes, time: Sun Oct 14 15:19:55 27 
JVMDBG001: malloc failed to allocate 1048576 bytes, time: Sun Oct 14 15:19:55 27 
JVMDBG001: malloc failed to allocate 524288 bytes, time: Sun Oct 14 15:19:55 207 
JVMDG305: Java core not written, unable to allocate memory for print buffer. 
JVMDG215: Dump Handler has Processed Error Signal 6. 

JVMDG217: Dump Handler is Processing OutOfMemory - Please Wait.
JVMDG315: JVM Requesting Heap dump file
.JVMDG318: Heap dump file written to /usr/bonc_web/tomcat_5.0.28/bin/heapdump22d
JVMDG303: JVM Requesting Java core file
JVMDG304: Java core file written to /usr/bonc_web/tomcat_5.0.28/bin/javacore229t
JVMDG274: Dump Handler has Processed OutOfMemory.
JVMST109: Insufficient space in Javaheap to satisfy allocation request

javax.servlet.ServletException: JVMXE006:OutOfMemoryError, stAllocArray for executeJava failed


我的JDK是1.4.2的应该没有什么问题,就是说要设置Dump,但也不知道在哪里设置,我在catalina.sh中设置了-server -Xms800m -Xmx800m -XX:PermSize=64M -XX:MaxNewSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m ,但是tomcat启动不起来!
aix 好像是要使用安装IBM提供得JDK哦 .
在安装好的tomcat程序组里面有个config Tomcat可以设置
Initial memory pool 设置最小值
Maxinum memory pool 设置最大值