jsp 只报一种错,这是为何?
我用的是 tomcat5.0
我的jsp 页面如果没有任何语法错误,就会正常的执行
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
No Java compiler was found to compile the generated source for the JSP.
This can usually be solved by copying manually $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar from the JDK
to the common/lib directory of the Tomcat server, followed by a Tomcat restart.
If using an alternate Java compiler, please check its installation and access path.
事实上,我已经按照出错的提示把jdk的 tools.jar 给拷到 tomcat 的comm/lib 下面去了,但是,只要一有语法错误,还是报上面的错误,如果我知道是哪出了错,改正之后又是正常运行,如果不知道哪出的错误,就只能自己瞎猜了。
------解决方案--------------------你真强 换个
------解决方案--------------------No Java compiler was found ===> 找不到Java编译器
------解决方案--------------------设置好Path Classpath 把tools.jar加到classpath里
------解决方案--------------------在环境变量中增加一个 CLASSPATH 变量,把它的值设为 .;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar
我的异常网推荐解决方案:org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class,http://www.aiyiweb.com/j2ee/2308.html