Got a JDBC
SQLException while executing the SQL statement:
SQL statement <select t0. "CUSTOMERID ", t0. "PHONE ", t0. "STREET ", t0. "STATE ", t0. "EMAIL ", t0. "ZIP ", t0. "MIDDLEINITIAL ", t0. "FIRSTNAME ", t0. "CITY ", t0. "LASTNAME " from "CUSTOMERBEAN " t0 where t0. "CUSTOMERID " = CAST (? AS VARCHAR(32672))> with input values:java.lang.String:200.
Please examine the SQLException for more information.
NestedException: org.apache.derby.client.am.SqlException: Table 'CUSTOMERBEAN ' does not exist.
How to deal with this problem?
然后还报了个remote exception
<target name= "compile-interface "
depends= "compile-detail,compile-exception ">
<javac srcdir= "${src} " destdir= "${build} " source= "${source.version} " target= "${target.version} ">
<include name= "**/ejb/**/** "/>
<exclude name= "**/ejb/**/*Bean.java,**/ejb/exception/***,**/ejb/test/** "/>
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