select (case when jgbh is null and gsmc is null then '总计 ' when jgbh is not null and gsmc is null then '小计 ' else jgbh end) as jgbh,gsmc,cplx,cpmc,count(*) as bds,sum(tbfs) as tbfs,sum(bxfy) as bxfy,sum(bxje) as bxje, sum(f.sxf) as sxf
from( select a.jgbh as jgbh, c.gsmc as gsmc,d.prompt as cplx,b.cpmc as cpmc,a.tbfs as tbfs, a.bxfy as bxfy, a.bxje as bxje,f.sxf as sxf from gapsdb30:yw_ybt_bdxxb a,gapsdb30:yw_ybt_cpxxb b,gapsdb30:yw_ybt_gsxxb c,gapsdb30:yw_ybt_dict d,gapsdb30:yw_ybt_ywls f
where a.gsdm=c.gsdm and a.cpdm=b.cpdm and d.HS_KEY= 'D_CPLX ' and b.cplx=d.val and a.bdzt= '0 ' and a.tbrq> = '20070801 ' and a.tbrq <= '20070820 ' and a.SLLSH=f.ZHQZLSH )aa group by rollup(aa.jgbh,gsmc,cplx,cpmc)