我的JSP 页面有3个下拉框和文本框,分别是年,月,日
当我进入这个页面时 就从数据库中查出当前日期下的数据 放到文本框中
------解决方案--------------------var localComboId1 = " ";
var localComboId2 = " ";
var localComboId3 = " ";
function ajaxRelComboboxRefresh(systemCode, funcCode, processName, currentStatus, comboId1, comboId2, comboId3, formid) {
localComboId1 = comboId1;
localComboId2 = comboId2;
localComboId3 = comboId3;
// Obtain an XMLHttpRequest instance
var req = newXMLHttpRequest();
// Set the handler function to receive callback notifications
// from the request object
var handlerFunction = handlerFunction = getReadyStateHandler(req, ajaxRelComboboxRefreshCallBackFunc);
req.onreadystatechange = handlerFunction;
// Open an HTTP POST connection to the shopping cart servlet.
// Third parameter specifies request is asynchronous.
req.open( "POST ", "/roims/ActionServlet ", true);
// Specify that the body of the request contains form data
req.setRequestHeader( "Content-Type ", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8 ");
var paramStr = preparePostData(document.getElementById(formid));
// Send form encoded data stating that I want to add the
"&GUI_COMPONENT_PARAMETER_REL_COMBOID_3= "+comboId3+ "&functionCode= "+funcCode+ "&actionType= "+processName+
"&processName= "+processName+ "¤tStatus= "+currentStatus + "&fromSystem= "+systemCode+paramStr);
function ajaxRelComboboxRefreshCallBackFunc(tabelXML) {
document.all(localComboId3).length = 0;
document.all(localComboId3).options.add(new Option( " ", " "));
if (localComboId1 != null && localComboId1.length > 0) {
document.all(localComboId2).length = 0;
document.all(localComboId2).options.add(new Option( " ", " "));
function runPostActionScript(parentEle) {
var scriptArr = parentEle.getElementsByTagName( "script ");
for(var i = 0; i < scriptArr.length; i++) {
var cmd = scriptArr[i].xml;
cmd = cmd.replace( " <script> <![CDATA[ ", " ");
cmd = cmd.replace( "]]> </script> ", " ");
try {
} catch (e) {