java 正则表达式
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=4, length=153 Framed-Protocol = PPP Attr-89 = 0x00 Acct-Session-Id = \"90441101\" Tue Apr 8 23:30:06 2014 : Debug: Cleaning up request 64708174 ID 53 with timestamp 534415f4 ERX-Dhcp-Mac-Addr = \"8c21.0a1e.44d3\" Tue Apr 8 23:30:06 2014 : Debug: Waking up in 1 seconds... NAS-Identifier = \"TONGXIANG-01-BRAS-01\" ";
字符串中有一串时间,“Tue Apr 8 23:30:06 2014”,出现的规则不定,也有可能是“Wed Apr 9 23:30:06 2014”,或者“Thr Apr 10 23:30:06 2014”,我想用java 正则表达式截取出来,怎么截取?
------解决方案-------------------- String s1="rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=4, length=153 Framed-Protocol = PPP Attr-89 = 0x00 Acct-Session-Id = \"90441101\" Tue Apr 8 23:30:06 2014 : Debug: Cleaning up request 64708174 ID 53 with timestamp 534415f4 ERX-Dhcp-Mac-Addr = \"8c21.0a1e.44d3\" Tue Apr 8 23:30:06 2014 : Debug: Waking up in 1 seconds... NAS-Identifier = \"TONGXIANG-01-BRAS-01\" ";
System.out.println(s1.replaceAll(".*(Tue Apr.*?2014).*", "$1"));
------解决方案--------------------Thr).*?2014).*", "$1"));