The value for the useBean class attribute com.firm.Firm is invalid
<%@ page language= "java " contentType= "text/html;charset=GB2312 "%>
<%@ page import= "java.sql.* "%>
<%@ page import= "com.firm.Firm "%>
<title> Insert title here </title>
<jsp:useBean id= "addBean " scope= "page " class= "com.firm.Firm "/>
String name = new String(request.getParameter( "name ").getBytes( "8859_1 "));
String emote = new String(request.getParameter( "emote ").getBytes( "8859_1 "));
String content = new String(request.getParameter( "content ").getBytes( "8859_1 "));
String strsql = "insert into guestbook (name,emote,content) values ( ' " + name + " ', ' " + emote + " ', ' " + content + " ') ";
out.print( "您的留言已经保存到数据库中,谢谢! ");
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /ok_guest.jsp(18,0) The value for the useBean class attribute com.firm.Firm is invalid.
而且Firm.class也是放在 WEB-INF\classes\com\firm 下的