<script LANGUAGE= "JavaScript ">
function getDays(month, year) {
// create array to hold number of days in each month
var ar = new Array(12)
ar[0] = 31 // January
ar[1] = (leapYear(year)) ? 29 : 28 // February
ar[2] = 31 // March
ar[3] = 30 // April
ar[4] = 31 // May
ar[5] = 30 // June
ar[6] = 31 // July
ar[7] = 31 // August
ar[8] = 30 // September
ar[9] = 31 // October
ar[10] = 30 // November
ar[11] = 31 // December
// return number of days in the specified month (parameter)
return ar[month]
function getMonthName(month) {
// create array to hold name of each month
var ar = new Array(12)
ar[0] = "一月 "
ar[1] = "二月 "
ar[2] = "三月 "
ar[3] = "四月 "
ar[4] = "五月 "
ar[5] = "六月 "
ar[6] = "七月 "
ar[7] = "八月 "
ar[8] = "九月 "
ar[9] = "十月 "
ar[10] = "十一月 "
ar[11] = "十二月 "
// return name of specified month (parameter)
return ar[month]
function setCal() {
// standard time attributes
var now = new Date()
var year = now.getYear()
var month = now.getMonth()
var monthName = getMonthName(month)
var date = now.getDate()
now = null
// create instance of first day of month, and extract the day on which it occurs
var firstDayInstance = new Date(year, month, 1)
var firstDay = firstDayInstance.getDay()
firstDayInstance = null
// number of days in current month
var days = getDays(month, year)
// call function to draw calendar
drawCal(firstDay + 1, days, date, monthName, year)
function drawCal(firstDay, lastDate, date, monthName, year) {
// constant table settings
var headerHeight = 30 // height of the table 's header cell
var border = 1 // 3D height of table