<table cellspacing= "0 " class= "traffic_table "> <tr> <th> Yesterday </th> <th> 1 wk. Avg. </th> <th> 3 mos. Avg. </th> <th> 3 mos. Change </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <!--Did you know? Alexa offers this data programmatically. Visit http://aws.amazon.com/awis for more information about the Alexa Web Information Service.--> 0.03 <span class= "cbb0 "> % </span> </td> <td> <!--Did you know? Alexa offers this data programmatically. Visit http://aws.amazon.com/awis for more information about the Alexa Web Information Service.--> 0 <span class= "c0f4 "> .0 </span> 3% </td> <td> <!--Did you know? Alexa offers this data programmatically. Visit http://aws.amazon.com/awis for more information about the Alexa Web Information Service.--> 0 <span class= "c34f "> 3 </span> .0 <span class= "c12a "> 39 </span> <span class= "ce1e "> 41 </span> <span class= "c8ff "> 10 </span> 6 <span class= "cc64 "> 5% </span> </td> <td> <img alt= "down " border= "0 " height= "11 " width= "13 " src= "http://client.alexa.com/common/images/down_arrow.gif "> <!--Did you know? Alexa offers this data programmatically. Visit http://aws.amazon.com/awis for more information about the Alexa Web Information Service.--> <span class= "c712 "> 69 </span> <span class= "c5c7 "> 34 </span> <span class= "cb82 "> 6 </span> <span class= "cca5 "> % </span> </td> </tr> </table>
我想把 <> 都去掉,但要保留 <span class= " "> </span> ,请问这个正则表达式怎么写?谢谢
<span class= ".*? "> .*? </span>
<span class= "cbb0 "> % </span>
<span class= "c0f4 "> .0 </span>
<span class= "c34f "> 3 </span>
<span class= "c12a "> 39 </span>
<span class= "ce1e "> 41 </span>
<span class= "c8ff "> 10 </span>
<span class= "cc64 "> 5% </span>
<span class= "c712 "> 69 </span>
<span class= "c5c7 "> 34 </span>
<span class= "cb82 "> 6 </span>
<span class= "cca5 "> % </span> <span class= "cbb0 "> % </span>
<span class= "c0f4 "> .0 </span>
<span class= "c34f "> 3 </span>
<span class= "c12a "> 39 </span>
<span class= "ce1e "> 41 </span>
<span class= "c8ff "> 10 </span>
<span class= "cc64 "> 5%