日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20960 次
//adapded from this example http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/javascript/overlays.html#CustomOverlays
//text overlays
function TxtOverlay(pos, txt, cls, map){
// Now initialize all properties.
this.pos = pos;
this.txt_ = txt;
this.cls_ = cls;
this.map_ = map;
// We define a property to hold the image's
// div. We'll actually create this div
// upon receipt of the add() method so we'll
// leave it null for now.
this.div_ = null;
// Explicitly call setMap() on this overlay
TxtOverlay.prototype = new google.maps.OverlayView();
TxtOverlay.prototype.onAdd = function(){
// Note: an overlay's receipt of onAdd() indicates that
// the map's panes are now available for attaching
// the overlay to the map via the DOM.