日期:2014-05-19 浏览次数:20798 次
// Java example to validate required fields public Class Validator { ... public static boolean validateRequired(String value) { boolean isFieldValid = false; if (value != null && value.trim().length() > 0) { isFieldValid = true; } return isFieldValid; } ... } ... String fieldValue = request.getParameter("fieldName"); if (Validator.validateRequired(f ieldValue)) { // fieldValue is valid, continue processing request ... }
// Java example to validate that a f ield is an int number public Class Validator { ... public static boolean validateInt(String value) { boolean isFieldValid = false; try { Integer.parseInt(value); isFieldValid = true; } catch (Exception e) { isFieldValid = false; } return isFieldValid; } ... } ... // check if the HTTP request parameter is of type int String f ieldValue = request.getParameter("f ieldName"); if (Validator.validateInt(f ieldValue)) { // f ieldValue is valid, continue processing request ... }
// Example to convert the HTTP request parameter to a primitive wrapper data type // and store this value in a request attribute for further processing String f ieldValue = request.getParameter("f ieldName"); if (Validator.validateInt(f ieldValue)) { // convert f ieldValue to an Integer Integer integerValue = Integer.getInteger(f ieldValue); // store integerValue in a request attribute request.setAttribute("f ieldName", integerValue); } ... / / Use the request attribute for further processing Integer integerValue = (Integer)request.getAttribute("f ieldName"); ...
// Example to validate the f ield length public Class Validator { ... public static boolean validateLength(String value, int minLength, int maxLength) { String validatedValue = value; if (!validateRequired(value)) { validatedValue = ""; } return (validatedValue.length() >= minLength && validatedValue.length() <= maxLength); } ... } ... String userName = request.getParameter("userName"); if (Validator.validateRequired(userName)) { if (Validator.validateLength(userName, 8, 20)) { / / userName is valid, continue further processing ... } }
/ / Example to validate the f ield range public Class Validator { ... public static boolean validateRange(int value, int min, int max) { return (value >= min && value <= max); } ... } ... String f ieldValue =