日期:2014-05-19 浏览次数:20894 次
*NEWRECORD RECTYPE = D MH = Tobacco Use Cessation Products AQ = AE CL CT EC ES HI MI PS SD SN ST TD UT VE VI ENTRY = Commit|T203|TRD|NRW|NLM (2002)|021106|abcdef ENTRY = Nicorette|T203|TRD|NRW|NLM (1987)|abcde ENTRY = Nicotine Chewing Gum|T203|NON|NRW|NLM (2012)|110705|abcdef ENTRY = Nicotine Inhalant|T203|NON|NRW|NLM (2012)|110705|abcdef ENTRY = Nicotine Lozenge|T203|NON|NRW|NLM (2012)|110705|abcdef ENTRY = Nicotine Lozenges|T203|NON|NRW|NLM (2012)|110705|abcdef ENTRY = Nicotine Nasal Spray|T203|NON|NRW|NLM (2012)|110705|abcdef ENTRY = Nicotine Patch|T203|NON|NRW|NLM (2012)|110705|abcdef ENTRY = Nicotine Polacrilex|T203|NON|NRW|NLM (2012)|110705|abcdef ENTRY = Nicotine Replacement Products|T203|NON|NRW|NLM (2012)|110705|abcdef ENTRY = Nicotine Transdermal Patch|T203|NON|NRW|NLM (2012)|110705|abcdef ENTRY = Smoking Cessation Products|T074|NON|REL|NLM (2012)|110705|abcdef ENTRY = Cessation Product, Smoking ENTRY = Cessation Products, Smoking ENTRY = Chewing Gum, Nicotine ENTRY = Chewing Gums, Nicotine ENTRY = Gum, Nicotine Chewing ENTRY = Gums, Nicotine Chewing ENTRY = Inhalant, Nicotine ENTRY = Inhalants, Nicotine ENTRY = Lozenge, Nicotine ENTRY = Lozenges, Nicotine ENTRY = Nasal Spray, Nicotine ENTRY = Nasal Sprays, Nicotine ENTRY = Nicotine Chewing Gums ENTRY = Nicotine Inhalants ENTRY = Nicotine Nasal Sprays ENTRY = Nicotine Polacrilices ENTRY = Nicotine Replacement Product ENTRY = Patch, Nicotine ENTRY = Patch, Nicotine Transdermal ENTRY = Polacrilex, Nicotine ENTRY = Polacrilices, Nicotine ENTRY = Product, Nicotine Replacement ENTRY = Product, Smoking Cessation ENTRY = Products, Nicotine Replacement ENTRY = Products, Smoking Cessation ENTRY = Replacement Product, Nicotine ENTRY = Replacement Products, Nicotine ENTRY = Smoking Cessation Product ENTRY = Spray, Nicotine Nasal ENTRY = Sprays, Nicotine Nasal ENTRY = Transdermal Patch, Nicotine MN = J01.637.847 FX = Tobacco Use Cessation MH_TH = NLM (2012) ST = T074 MS = Items used to aid in ending a TOBACCO habit. PM = 2012; NICOTINE POLACRILEX was indexed under NICOTINE, POLYVINYLS, and POLYMETHACRYLIC ACIDS 1987-2011 HN = 2012 DA = 20110705 DC = 1 DX = 20120101 UI = D061485