日期:2014-05-19 浏览次数:20870 次
public List getListForSQL(Map<String,Object> map )throws Exception{ Session session = SessionFactoryUtils.getSession(hibernateTemplate.getSessionFactory(), true); String sql =" select * from user where 1=1 "; //map key 有 userId(必有) name(可选) password(可选) age(可选) 等.. int userId = (Integer)map.get("userId")==null ? 0 :(Integer)map.get("userId"); String name = (String )map.get("name"); String password = (String)map.get("password"); String age = (String)map.get("age"); if(userId != 0 ){ sql += " and userid = ? "; }else{ if(map.containsKey("userid ")){ map.remove("userid "); } } if(name != null && name.length() > 0){ sql += " and name = ? "; }else{ if(map.containsKey("name ")){ map.remove("name "); } } Query query = session.createSQLQuery(sql).setProperties(map);// map传递进去 参数也对, 好像是没绑定?上 List list = query.list(); if(session != null){ session.close(); } return list; }