日期:2014-05-19  浏览次数:20971 次

刚开始学tomcat就碰到这样的问题 求指教

在References中配置好Tomcat7.0以后建立了一个名为test的web project(未做任何改动)来测试是否配置成功,结果打开http://localhost:8080/test/index.jsp后显示404错误,是不是tomcat没有配置好?

部署test的时候,选择tomcat7.x 会有一个黄色感叹号,在Deployment Status里显示:
Deployment is out of date due to changes in the underlying project contents.You'll need to manually 'Redeploy‘
the project to update the deployed archive.

如果点击部署对话框的Redeploy会有Undeployment failure报错,显示:
test could not be redeployed because it could not be completely removed in the undeployment phase.The most common cause of this problem is attempting to redeploy while the server is running,which has locked one or more files.

我的操作系统是win7,tomcat7.0已设置为“以管理员身份运行此程序”和“以XP SP3兼容模式运行此程序”

test could not be redeployed because it could not be completely removed in the undeployment phase.The most common cause of this problem is attempting to redeploy while the server is running,which has locked one or more files.
你先别部署项目,启动服务看能否看到 那个tomcat7 index页面,